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Ahhh...much better...

My dad is itching to get his computer I'll make this short...I'm so happy to be more anonymous. We'll see if just changing the address works. If not, I'll make my settings so that only invited people can read, or I'll get a password. Something. But it feels much better to be able to express myself.

So...I'll elaborate more, but let me just say that things were pretty desperate for a week or so there after JC and I broke up. I was hysterical, frantic, and a crying mess. But...I finally went to see a doctor, and am finally being treated with medication for depression and anxiety. Please don't send me hate mail for doing this. You have no idea how much it helps. I see clear...really, really clear.

Ok, my dad keeps walking down the hall and asking how I'm doing...he really wants his computer back. I'll write more tomorrow.


Jacq said…
No one should fault you for doing what you need to do for yourself. I certainly won't.
Anonymous said…
Just don't let Tom Cruise find out
I almost said the same thing about Tom Cruise!!!
stephanie said…
There is nothing wrong with medication or depression or anxiety or ANY of it!!!
Jessiedc28 said…
I love drugs!

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