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Showing posts from December, 2006

Christmas is here!

Today has been really good. I was up at 7am after falling asleep at 5am because of this stupid muscle I've pulled in my neck! Ouch! I just couldn't find one position that I wouldn't be hurting in. Gabby had a great Christmas morning. Santa Claus brought her a Nintendo DS. So that's been exciting. We're about to have a family dinner with prime rib roast, and then I'm going to take Gabby to her dad's. Then...I'll go home I guess. I don't have anything to do tonight, but I should probably stay home anyway. I need to do some laundry, and I need to leave around 8am to drive to Dallas. Call me Schwenk! I miss JC something crazy! I know, it's silly, sappy, and weird, but I just miss him when I can't even talk to him on the phone. Hopefully I'll make it back here when I get back from Dallas on the 27th. JC and I have another Christmas party on the 28th. This has been a very full, eventful holiday season.

Christmas Eve

I'm over at my parent's. Gabby went to church with Mom and Dad. I'm waiting for my sister to get here. I need to wrap one more present for Gabby...I'm licking all the left over homemade carrot cake frosting out of the bowl. JC left me, and is in Dallas. Miss him. I'm leaving on the 26th to drive out there. JC and I went out a lot the last couple of days. His little brother was in town, and we met up with him a couple of times. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me this week, but I definitely didn't behave as I normally would. I said things I shouldn't have, I acted in ways I shouldn't have (don't get any dirty wasn't that kind of "acting"!). I slept wrong the other night, and I've had this "kink" in my neck, so I've been self medicating with LOTS of pain pills...and that probably wasn't such a good reaction maker when I was drinking. I mean I was rude to people that I really like, and have

Can you believe it?

I got my very first speeding ticket. I'd say that's pretty good for 11 years of driving, but it SUCKS!!! I had a ticket once when I was 18 for an improper lane change, but other than that, my driving record has been clean! He totally got me, too! I was about 2 miles from my house...coming down a hill, barefoot, with cleavage all over the place because I had gone to JC's work party the night before and spent the night at his apartment. He got me doing 41 in a 30. I was so pissed! He wasn't even SAPD, he was a constable. I have court on Jan. 30. UGH!!! JC: It's actually kind of funny!!! *Chuckles* Me: Is it? Then you pay for it! *obvious annoyance!* JC: Ok, maybe it's not so funny...*head hanging* The party was great...except we got kicked out around 1am because one of the managers got really drunk and misplaced her keys. She ran around the restaurant yelling at people...Screaming, "There's always got to be a thief!!!" She was a little off her rocker
I got my very first speeding ticket. I'd say that's pretty good for 11 years of driving, but it SUCKS!!! I had a ticket once when I was 18 for an improper lane change, but other than that, my driving record has been clean! He totally got me, too! I was about 2 miles from my house...coming down a hill, barefoot, with cleavage all over the place because I had gone to JC's work party the night before and spent the night at his apartment. He got me doing 41 in a 30. I was so pissed! He wasn't even SAPD, he was a constable. I have court on Jan. 30. UGH!!! JC: It's actually kind of funny!!! *Chuckles* Me: Is it? Then you pay for it! *obvious annoyance!* JC: Ok, maybe it's not so funny...*head hanging* The party was great...except we got kicked out around 1am because one of the managers got really drunk and misplaced her keys. She ran around the restaurant yelling at people...Screaming, "There's always got to be a thief!!!" She was a little off her rocker

Oh more thing...

I did cut off my hair, and even though everyone else seems to like it...I hate it. Surprise, surprise. No matter how unclean or messy or anything my hair ever is...people always compliment it when it's long. It's just barely past my shoulders now. I have been to the gym everyday this week! Amazing! That hasn't happened in at least two years. I am very proud of myself. Apparently so is Ray Ray. He tells me everyday, "I'm so happy to see you, Leeiz!"

Mom's Birthday

I'm here at my mom's house for her birthday. Poor mom received an empty box, and a paper doll. Not kidding. My present to her hasn't come in the mail yet, so I cut out the picture, and put it in her card. My sister's present wasn't in the box. It was the last one left and was on display...and they just didn't put it in the box. Hope she at least liked her cake because that's about all she got! Nothing new really going on. Went to an interview yesterday. Had a follow-up interview in the afternoon. I'll take the job if they offer it, but I really don't want it. Me - Receptionist...not going to happen. I'll do it...and I'll do a good job at it...but I DO NOT want it! And parking downtown sucks! On my weekend without Gabby JC and I went to my work Christmas party, and it was fantabulous! We had so much fun! Had a little too much to drink, but that's what you get when you decide to drink the spiked punch all night. We went and sa

Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Job Hunting!

I had another interview with a temp service today that contacted me from getting my resume online. This sounds really exciting. It's for an appraisal company. Of course, I would be doing administrative assistant work, but it's working with a company that deals with land values...which = Geography, Geography, Geography. Could be very interesting. I have to go interview with them on Monday. The temp lady decided to give me some "helpful hints" at the end of my interview with them. She really was trying to be very helpful, but it hurt my feelings, of course. I'm sensitive. She said that she knows I would do a great job...just remember to go in there looking VERY professional...and maybe pull my hair back. Thanks. So, I'm cutting my hair off tomorrow. And, I thought I was looking pretty professional today! Black pinstriped's cold, so I wore my double breasted suit looking leather jacket...whatever. Time to go shopping I guess. I hate this profession

I made it back before Christmas!!!

My dad has this sign posted right above the computer says, "Risk not thy whole wad.". I should really take heed... What's going on, what's going on??? Nothing. Job hunting still blows. Nothing is really coming my way at the moment...which is due to slacking a little on my part...and everytime something decent comes up, there's something wrong with it. It's so much harder looking for a job when you have a little person to support. There are so many other things you have to think about. If I wasn't a mom, I would have definitely taken this job in Austin that was offered to me a couple of weeks ago...but then I have to think about finding a good school, and a good daycare, and what would I do if I had an emergency...and I could live for a hell of a lot cheaper without Gabby...don't get me wrong...this is not a complaint against having's more of just a venting about the differences between people who have children and tho