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I just want to sit here in silence and eat my biscuit

I had big plans today. I went to work as usual, and then left early for an appointment with my massage therapist. I injured my shoulder a little over a year ago, and every time it starts to get better, I have to go back to work, and it slowly starts to be re-injured. I guess it’s not so much an “injury” as it is a hazard from my job . . . repetitive motion . . . so, these massages that I get aren’t exactly relaxing . . . my back and chest will probably be black and blue tomorrow.

I then went to look for this CD that I want by a guy named Toothpick. I really want it . . . couldn’t find . . . bought System of a Down instead. I’m not really big on buying CD’s since it is so easy to just download, but if I really really like something, I’ll buy it.

Next, my plans were to go to the gym, tan, go to the grocery store, take Gabby to Karate, but . . . none of that happened. It started to rain (suppose to rain until Sunday), and the only thing that sounded good was coming home and taking a nap . . . so, that’s what I did. I had a very strange dream where I was one of the characters from the L-Word (Shane). I had my face and my hair was red, but cut like hers, and my body was all of a sudden very boyish like hers . . . I was snorting coke, not just lines of it, but whole bricks . . . very strange, even more strange because the character doesn’t do it, and I’ve never done it, so who knows! But I was a huge drug addict in the dream. And even stranger was that I woke up with a huge sinus headache.

Went for dinner with Josh and Gabby . . . pancakes for dinner . . . Gabby’s favorite, and today was her last day of school, so things will be a little less hectic around here. I’m more tired now though than I was when I had classes. Spending a whole day at a desk, sitting, instead of being able to at least walk around on campus is taking its toll on my shoulder, and my whole body in general. I haven’t even been to the gym in nearly two weeks.

One more day of work, and then I have a three day weekend all to myself. Gabby will be at her dad’s, and her brother is coming into to town, so she’ll be very happy. Hope it doesn’t rain too much this weekend. I have possible plans to go to Austin with some friends and spend the time out on a boat on some lake.


Jessiedc28 said…
Two things:

#1 PLEASE call me toothpick from now on.
#2 "Never done it" HILL-AIR-E-US!
Don't you LOVE that name!? You should check him out, I think you and E would like it!
Anonymous said…
question who is the AOC??? what does it stand for? I am curious to know. why hasn't he just come from where ever and sweep you away??
AOC is a guy I met online and stands for 'adventurous online crush' (my friend Josh's idea for the acronym). He has a weird, but cool job that has kept him pretty busy this year. We'll see what happens...

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