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Everything is Falling Down Right Before My Very Eyes

It's true. I have been so busy with work, school, and Gabby, and completely obsessed with the AOC, that I have let everything including myself go! I think it started with the day I was at work, holding my cell phone in my hand, and I went to move my hair out of my face with the cell phone hand, the antenna got caught in hair, and went flying across the room. I'm pretty sure it was broken before, I can't believe I had that much hairspray in that day! I just stick the antenna back in, but it keeps falling off, and I have to search for it. My dad's solution was superglue, which I still say is a weird thing that a typical dad says, and I'm not trying it!

The next thing was my computer desk. It's huge and extremely heavy, and a little inconvinent for modern technology, but great for writing research papers and spreading yourself out. I had to move my desk away from the wall on one side so I could use my jumpdrive . . . but, it's a Target desk, and was not put together by my 7th grade wood shop teacher Mr. Degeus, so it's now falling apart . . . leaning to the side if you will. I can't close the door that's on it, and if I pull out the drawer, I have to lift and tuck it back in place. I'm not sure that superglue is the answer here.

Then, someone knocks off the stupid sideview mirror on my car. It's still just hanging there, enjoying the blowing breezes as I drive. Dad suggested superglue for this one too . . . what do you think? Will it work? It's really kind of embarrassing. I'm embarrassed enough as it is to be driving my hideous station wagon ( I just tell myself, "It was free It was free It was free"), and now the sideview mirror has up-ed me from soccor mom to ghetto-soccor mom.

My thumb has been in quite a few photos lately! Posted by Hello

Now, as school is winding down (One final left to go this morning . . . Geography of Europe . . . Did I mention that it took me 3 1/2 hours to finish my Spatial Analysis final on Tuesday! That's one reason to never be a Geography major!) I am finding out that a lot of other things are falling apart as well. I'm not the neatest person in the world, but the state of my car and my apartment at the moment is absolutely unneccessary! Stumbling around in the dark in the early mornings and stepping on a different shoe from my bedroom, down the hall, and to the kitchen is ridiculous, and I can't even blame Gabby, most of them are a member or two of my ultimate flip-flop collection. My car has the makings of a first grade level and college senior library. I probably have a 1/4 of the rain forest in paper in my car. It's been months since I waxed my eyebrows. I have bouts of eating right and eating like shit, which in turn has made my body start to fall apart. The absence of Aaron the Beast has made my muscles tight, unflexible ( is it in-flexible or un-flexible, or neither?), and sore as hell.

Monday starts a new beginning of getting out the superglue and putting my life back in order. I always get a little behind on "keeping up" during the spring semester, but this year? RIDICULOUS! AND . . . I've skipped school and work so much this spring that I really don't have that many excuses.

Anyone feel like taking a nice long vacation . . . I would be more than willing to let you pay for me to go to a spa for a week!


Jessiedc28 said…
Superglue reminds me of House Of Wax..... :\
I used to have a problem as a kid, and technically I probably still do, of being very fidgety and getting into things when I was bored. I loved pouring wax from the candles onto my hands, and yes, I even tried to see what superglue felt like on my fingertips . . . NOT FUN!!!

Did I ever tell you about the time I wanted to know what it felt like to run over my finger with my big-wheel (5 or 6-years old maybe), so I did it, ran over it, and it cut me open and I bled like hell, and still have a scar running down my crooked middle finger!?
Kaycee said…
I would go to a body shop, batt your eyes and ask how much to glue it back on. They will probably use an apoxy glue of some sort. If you are sweet enough, they might even just do it for free. I know how these things work!

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