Sunday Morning Hungover Hat Fun
Saturday night I went out with some friends from school, two of whom had graduated the night before. We started out at this hole in the wall the Pressure Cooker. It was karaoke night, and we got out of there fast, and headed over to another hole in the wall, Winston's. I kind of liked this hole in the wall. We met up with some friends of my friends. I was immediately attacked as I walked through the door by the friends wanting me to take shots with them. I declined as I was trying to not stumble home. Eventually I was convinced though. My friend Andrea had a conversation with her friend JC:
Andrea: She really needs a shot
JC: She really does
Andrea: But not Goldschlogger
JC: Nope, no Goldschlogger
Andrea: I think she needs a BullBlaster
JC: Yep, she really does
Me: Do I really WANT a BullBlaster?
Andrea & JC: You're getting one anyways
I'd never had a BullBlaster, wasn't sure what it was . . . I knew it was something mixed with Red Bull . . . so, they bring me my shot, not in a shot glass, but a half filled pint, with urgings from the group of just slamming it back . . . so, I did . . . they neglected to tell me that there was a shot glass sitting in the bottom of the pint glass, so I slammed the drink back, and the shot glass nearly knocked out my front teeth, followed up by my friend David asking, "Did it get you?" Yea, it did, thanks for warning me! The guy JC had this chip across his front teeth, and all I kept wondering to myself was, "Did it get you?"
I woke up around 7 or 8 am on Sunday. I was very hunover! I called Josh crying begging him to bring me a bagel and a Diet Dr. Pepper (coffee was actually not sounding too appealing!). I was seriously hurting. He said he was on his way, and I went back to sleep. Once he was here, I ate and felt much better. Then I was trying to get out to the pool, and ended up trying on one of Gabby's and then Josh's hat. I think I might have still had too much alcohol in me. We don't actually own any hats. The only reason Gabby has this pink beanie is because her dad gave it to her . . . NOTICE . . . my teeth are still intact, and don't say a word about my no make-up look!!!

Hungover Hat Fun
Saturday night I went out with some friends from school, two of whom had graduated the night before. We started out at this hole in the wall the Pressure Cooker. It was karaoke night, and we got out of there fast, and headed over to another hole in the wall, Winston's. I kind of liked this hole in the wall. We met up with some friends of my friends. I was immediately attacked as I walked through the door by the friends wanting me to take shots with them. I declined as I was trying to not stumble home. Eventually I was convinced though. My friend Andrea had a conversation with her friend JC:
Andrea: She really needs a shot
JC: She really does
Andrea: But not Goldschlogger
JC: Nope, no Goldschlogger
Andrea: I think she needs a BullBlaster
JC: Yep, she really does
Me: Do I really WANT a BullBlaster?
Andrea & JC: You're getting one anyways
I'd never had a BullBlaster, wasn't sure what it was . . . I knew it was something mixed with Red Bull . . . so, they bring me my shot, not in a shot glass, but a half filled pint, with urgings from the group of just slamming it back . . . so, I did . . . they neglected to tell me that there was a shot glass sitting in the bottom of the pint glass, so I slammed the drink back, and the shot glass nearly knocked out my front teeth, followed up by my friend David asking, "Did it get you?" Yea, it did, thanks for warning me! The guy JC had this chip across his front teeth, and all I kept wondering to myself was, "Did it get you?"
I woke up around 7 or 8 am on Sunday. I was very hunover! I called Josh crying begging him to bring me a bagel and a Diet Dr. Pepper (coffee was actually not sounding too appealing!). I was seriously hurting. He said he was on his way, and I went back to sleep. Once he was here, I ate and felt much better. Then I was trying to get out to the pool, and ended up trying on one of Gabby's and then Josh's hat. I think I might have still had too much alcohol in me. We don't actually own any hats. The only reason Gabby has this pink beanie is because her dad gave it to her . . . NOTICE . . . my teeth are still intact, and don't say a word about my no make-up look!!!

Hungover Hat Fun
