Scrub -A-Dub-Dub
There were plenty of reasons why I stopped watching very much television. Ok, well, I've always continued to watch cable, but I had pretty much stopped watching regularly run TV shows on the networks. One reason being that I just didn't think any sitcom was funny, and I don't always have time to get dragged into heavier serious shows. I have been meaning to catch up with NBC's Scrubs, but I'm many seasons behind, and I always have class on the night it airs. Josh bought the first season DVD set, and we sat down to watch it yesterday. I have never, ever laughed that many times through a show in my life . . . out loud . . . and I cried, too. THAT'S a great show! I'm more of a silent laugher when it comes to watching something, especially if I'm by myself, so the fact that this show made me laugh that hard out loud means that I will now call it the greatest show EVER!!!

There were plenty of reasons why I stopped watching very much television. Ok, well, I've always continued to watch cable, but I had pretty much stopped watching regularly run TV shows on the networks. One reason being that I just didn't think any sitcom was funny, and I don't always have time to get dragged into heavier serious shows. I have been meaning to catch up with NBC's Scrubs, but I'm many seasons behind, and I always have class on the night it airs. Josh bought the first season DVD set, and we sat down to watch it yesterday. I have never, ever laughed that many times through a show in my life . . . out loud . . . and I cried, too. THAT'S a great show! I'm more of a silent laugher when it comes to watching something, especially if I'm by myself, so the fact that this show made me laugh that hard out loud means that I will now call it the greatest show EVER!!!
