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Home At Last . . . Damn!

I will be spending the night in my own house tonight for the first time all weekend. This Memorial Day weekend will go down in my book as one of the greatest EVER! Except now I'm sick. Too much drinking, not enough food or water . . . oh, and I met a really cute boy that I like a WHOLE lot. He's a Cancer just like me, and it really is kind of scary how much he IS pretty much . . . me! This is the same guy from the last post, and the post about me being forced to take shots - JC. I don't know where this is going, and I probably really shouldn't be posting about this, but I can't help myself. I am cheesy grinning all over the place. And I've hung out with some of the coolest, most awesome people I have ever met in my life! Went to some bars downtown here on the Riverwalk last night. All these people I've met are so friendly, and just like very welcoming, even though I felt like I was intruding a little. My friend Andrea is really the only one that I knew pretty well, and JC because I had met him a couple of times before...but everyone else was still hugging me goodbye by the end of the night (maybe because we were all wasted), and another friend of theirs was like, "Well, this is like the fifth time that I've met and hung out with you, so I guess we're on our way to being best friends now." Just really really nice, fun people.

Email from the AOC this weekend as well. LOVE THAT! BUT . . . who knows what could happen now. If I continue liking this new guy, JC, and start liking him even more, what will happen when the AOC is finally free to be able to meet up. No matter what, I think I've invested too much time in this whole AOC thing to not meet him, but I just don't know anymore. It's easier to put him on the backburner when I have someone right here in person who I'm finding myself absolutely adoring.


Jessiedc28 said…
I'm pulling for the local dude. If nothing else he can maybe wein you off of the AOC.
I'm kind of pulling for the local dude too *cheesy grin cheesy grin*. But he has his flaws, too. LIKE BEING 22!!!! Do you know what a cradle robber I feel like??????

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