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Adventures in Postal-sitting

I fell asleep early, around 930 or so, and now, here I sit at 2am. I have been rudely awakened by the "hamster that wouldn't die". He hasn't made noise for weeks, and now he's back with a vengence. He's found something to chew on non-stop and drive me absolutely insane . . . I must be insane if it's making me blog at 2 in the morning. I'm really wishing I had taken Min Pin Momma's advice and given him some vodka! Not really, but he won't SHUT THE HELL UP! I have to be up for work in 3 hours . . . I was thinking . . . hoping I might get more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep for the first time in months!!! I even got up and gave him his favorite treats, he hid them, and continued with the god-awful knawing!

While I'm at it . . . I hate going to the post office to mail packages. Poor Jessica gets birthday gifts, etc. months later. I've never been to the post office when there isn't a line wrapped around the corner, and they always close before I can get there. Now, though, they have this 24-hour do-it-yourself postage machine. So, this week I was mailing out something for the AOC to take on his next trip (he'll be gone for a month, think I can handle it?). I was so excited to just use this machine and be done with it. There's a little window right outside the machine where a little ugly man who scared the crap out of me sits to watch you use the postage thingy. Who knew it could be so complicated? I printed out my stamp, but then he interrupts and I guess he thinks I'm some kind of moron. He takes my already addressed and sealed envelope and sticks it in another enevolpe, making me address it again. He took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to do this, and he was feeling up my envelope the whole time. It took the same amount of time as it would have for me to stand in line, and I still hate the post office!!! I'm not a back woods Texan who needs a babysitter while I'm mailing out a package, but I guess some people are and I should be grateful that the little ugly man is there to help. I just can't believe that he was actually hired by the post office, and I wasn't!

Oh . . . .wait . . . I think I hear silence coming from Hammy's direction . . . and now I'll probably climb back into bed and be wide awake . . . thinking . . . way too much . . .


Jessiedc28 said…
Why dont' you just put that rodent out on the portch when he's loud?
Jammie J. said…
I guess you couldn't take away his chew toy, eh? Heh. Chew toy sounds funny.
Everyone at work said I should have put him on the porch, but eventually I'd have to bring him back in. I'm not prepared to search around in his cedar chips for any other little critters that might have climbed in.

The chew toy was the cage itself! This morning was a two coffee cupper.

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