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"Moody Monday"

I seem to be getting lazier and lazier and more and more unmotivated . . . To do ANYTHING!! Too much on my mind? Too many things to do? Who knows . . . but it's getting on my nerves that I don't have the will power to do a dang gone thing!

Yesterday as I was driving to pick up Gabby from her dad's house I looked to my right towards where the passenger sideview mirror should be to change lanes and . . . um, it wasn't there, or at least it was just hanging there!!! DAMN IT!!! Some freakin' idiot hit my mirror, bumped by my mirror, or purposely knocked it off!!! I can't believe how inconsiderate people are of other people's property!!! It is completely cracked all around the plastic and sadly hanging on by the little wires that control the mirror! My first car didn't have a passenger side mirror (1976 Datsun 280Z), I never thought that I used that mirror, but now all I do is look over at it and feel very freakin' PISSED off!!!

This morning I stopped at a corner store that is not my "usual" just for convienence. The guy in front of me in line kept kind of turning around and looking at me. He was very strange and really just kind of gross. He bought his donuts and Skoal and walked out. I left shortly after. About a block down the street I was stopped at a turning light trying to call into work, and I hear a horn honk . . . I look over to my right . . . there's the nasty guy in his truck, straining his head out the window to shout some kind of obscenity, wave, and blow me a kiss . . . It just about ruined my week and I just wanted to come home and take a shower!!! Nasty, nasty, nasty.

Some of the people in my life think that I am a little mean to my friend Josh. They just don't, however, understand how much he irritates me! He can be somewhat entertaining sometimes, but in general, lately, well . . . I've been annoyed. Here's a perfect example. When watching TV or a movie or something, I do not feel the need to talk all the way through it. In fact, especially on a Sunday afternoon without Gabby, I like almost complete silence. If someone wants to share this silence, GREAT! If not, I'd rather be alone! So, yesterday afternoon, Josh came over and we were watching TV. I was just flipping through channels and stopped on a random movie. The following is what occurred . . .

Josh - "This is the movie about that affair."


Me - (silence)

Josh - "The one with Viggo."


Me - (silence)

Josh - "The one where he has the affair with that girl."


Me - (silence)

Josh - "Anna Paquin."

Josh - "The girl from the Piano."


Mean, I know. But I couldn't take it anymore. These little spurts of nothingness that Josh felt the need to say. I think he really just likes the sound of his own voice. The real problem is, I think, that he was an only child, and left alone alot. I don't think he had anything better to do than keep himself entertained and talk to himself and his imaginary friends. So, now, as an adult, his thoughts, useless thoughts, just come spilling out of his mouth at a constant rate! I love you, Josh, but I can't take it! You should know, Mr. Movie Buff, that SILENCE IS GOLDEN!

Spellcheck wanted to replace "Fuck" with "Fuji". Spellcheck really sucks on blogger!


Jessiedc28 said…
Has GABBY been able to watch her bday gift yet?????????
Jessiedc28 said…
That last comment was supposed to go under the other post. Sorry.

My comment for this post is: ARE YOU PMSing OR WHAT?!
No, I'm not PMSing. Why? Do I sound like it?
Gabby watched half of Willy Wonka last night. She's gonna watch the other half tonight.
Jammie J. said…
I would be so ticked off if someone broke anything on my car. I get peeved if someone even puts something under my windshield wiper. The freakin' nerve.
I am so pissed, Jeanette. I just see that damn thing waving in the wind as I'm driving down the highway!
Anonymous said…
Hi Liz, yes it does get better at the age of 8. they pay closer attention to what is being told to them. I am very sorry you had a shitty now there is all ways a jerk right around the corner..DON'T worry about returning email I am sure you are busy..I read from time to time..I have heard that Mary from the corner apt. passed on. How about Dan does he still live there?
Anonymous said…
I think Josh likes you, you guys should go out.
Kaycee said…
I think the not being silent thing is a guy thing. Chris feels the need to make inappropriate jokes and comments through out the movie and at the most pivital moments. I hated him when watching the Notebook. At one point I was bawling my eyes out, screaming, "IF YOU SAY ANOTHER WORD, I AM GOING TO KICK YOU IN THE BALLS YOU A-HOLE".
Hey - Mary did pass on, but Harold, and Dan, and Harold's son David still live here. David moved in with Harold when they put Mary in the nursing home. I added you to my IM, BTW, did you get the message?

Anon - I know that Josh likes me. We've "discussed", but Josh and I are just best friends. Even though he annoys me to tears, I don't know what I'd do without him, but I don't want to ruin our friendship.

K - I wish it was just a guy thing in Josh's case, but sadly it isn't. He says these random things ALL THE TIME!!! It's like he can't stop thinking out loud. There's never a moment of silence.
Jessiedc28 said…
Yes, you sounded PMSy. Did Gabby Finish the movie?
Jess - Oh. Well, I wasn't. Not PMSy, just me . . .
Yes, Gabby finished the movie. She loves it. She sang to Oompa Loompa song past the point of cuteness and onto the point of obnoxiousness.

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