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Happy Birthday, Gabby!

Today is my daughter's birthday. She will officially be 7-years old at 3:42 pm. I got out of work early today (surprise surprise) so I could run around picking up more presents, cake, etc. Nothing has gone as planned. I stayed too long in Target, but got lots of cool stuff for her. I saw this keyboard, and thought, "Gabby would LOVE that!", and then instantaneously I thought, "My EARS!!!" But, it's her day, and I can't wait to see her bright brown eyes light up, so I bought it anyways. I went to the grocery store to pick up a cake and a bouquet of balloons. Somehow I forgot about the balloons, and on my way home, I had to make an emergency stop, at the stop light, before I sailed through an intersection of traffic, I forgot all about the cake, and the stupid thing went flying onto the passenger floor!!! Remarkably it's still in relatively good shape - just smushed up against the packaging on one side, and missing frosting from the top on the other side - that's all!!! I can't believe this. I just hope Gabby doesn't notice. I almost bought her sparkler candles, but didn't...should I have?

We were supposed to go to Chuckee Cheese tonight with Josh and Carla and her son, but I'm so tired, I still have to go to the gym, come home shower, pick up Gabby, and then after all that, drive her to her dad's. And...after my shopping today...I'm broke!!! Broke Broke Broke. Do you think Gabby might understand??? She is getting some cool stuff afterall...I won't even mention what she conned Josh into buying her last night when he babysat for me (another story!!)

On another note - I feel like my computer has been invaded. It's been doing all kinds of crazy things the last couple of days. I'm not sure what to make of it, other than the fact that one of the guys I've dated before is pretty much a computer hacker, and he is kind of mad at me, and he did tell me all about how he likes to screw with people...I don't know...could be's just weird!!!


Jessiedc28 said…
I'm glad Gabby liked faking my gift good. I would be worried otherwise... :0)
I'm confused, what do you mean? I haven't checked my mail this weekend. Is your gift coming soon?

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