Go To Bed!
Up late again, when I need to be sleeping. My mind is just too awake, even though my body is screaming for dreamland.
My weekend highlights:
1. Sunday morning breakfast with Josh at La Madeleine - strong French roast coffee and a potato gallete
2. A waiter dressed like Jack Sparrow and engaged to Daphne from Scooby Doo, who was the other waiter! HOT HOT HOT!!!
3. Email from the AOC. Surprise, Surprise.
I broke down and bought a pair of capris at Old Navy. Ok, Josh bought them for me. Thank you Josh!!! I also bought two new DVDs. The Criterion Collection of My Own Private Idaho and Bertolucci's The Dreamers. Talk about a nude fest! Oh yea! Josh also used his Best Buy $10 gift card to buy me the Damien Rice CD of B-Sides. Thank you, again, Josh!!! You made my weekend so much better, and I know that I was absolutely mean and rude, and horrible to you every minute that I spent with you! I was in such a bad mood, but you definitely helped me feel a little better!
After this past mentally exhausting weekend, I can't wait to curl up with Gabby (as soon as I feel tired enough) and wake up to a lovely, rainy Monday, and let my mind be busy for the next 5 days.
Up late again, when I need to be sleeping. My mind is just too awake, even though my body is screaming for dreamland.
My weekend highlights:
1. Sunday morning breakfast with Josh at La Madeleine - strong French roast coffee and a potato gallete
2. A waiter dressed like Jack Sparrow and engaged to Daphne from Scooby Doo, who was the other waiter! HOT HOT HOT!!!
3. Email from the AOC. Surprise, Surprise.
I broke down and bought a pair of capris at Old Navy. Ok, Josh bought them for me. Thank you Josh!!! I also bought two new DVDs. The Criterion Collection of My Own Private Idaho and Bertolucci's The Dreamers. Talk about a nude fest! Oh yea! Josh also used his Best Buy $10 gift card to buy me the Damien Rice CD of B-Sides. Thank you, again, Josh!!! You made my weekend so much better, and I know that I was absolutely mean and rude, and horrible to you every minute that I spent with you! I was in such a bad mood, but you definitely helped me feel a little better!
After this past mentally exhausting weekend, I can't wait to curl up with Gabby (as soon as I feel tired enough) and wake up to a lovely, rainy Monday, and let my mind be busy for the next 5 days.