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Showing posts from August, 2004
" . . . Here I Go Again . . . " I never skipped a day ever in high school. This was mostly probably because my mom was a teacher at my high school, and if I did "skip" school she knew about it...I would just fake being sick. I never skipped a day of class during the first couple of years of my college career either...hence why I probably get bumped up to an "A" sometimes. Today is the 4th day of classes for the Fall semester, and I have skipped the same class 2 times. I just can't deal with the parking situation. Today I thought that I could probably find parking if I got there an hour early, but looks like I will have to continue being at school at least 2 hours early for my 50 min. class. I'm 27-years old, and fighting with a bunch of 18-year olds who can't drive and are all freaked about getting a parking space is not my idea of a relaxing morning before school. I drove around for like 30 min. and then was out of there. So, to
Bruise Mania . . . The Newest Form of Entertainment. Bruises from Hell!!! Thanks to Aaron's little broomstick trick. I now have a row of bruises up each of my thighs. You can't see them very well in this picture, but every little darker spot is a bruise. It looks so horrible!
" . . . Papa tomato says to the Baby tomato, Ketch-up!" This blog might be a little long and maybe a little boring. I just want to kind of re-count this past CRAZY week! Mon: I started at 5am, dropped Gabby off at the daycare at 630am and headed off to work. I drove straight from work to the gym for my workout with Aaron, and then I drove straight to the daycare to pick up Gabby, and we went right to Karate class. I don't think we got home until around 8-ish. Tues: Same routine, only there wasn't Karate class, and I skipped the gym. Ok, so this day wasn't so crazy I guess, and I don't really even remember what I did. Wed: My first day of school. I repeated the usual routine, and then I left work at 830am. I headed towards school for my 10am class thinking that I had plenty of time to get there. WRONG!!! It took longer to get there than I thought it would, and once there...PARKING from HELL commenced. I circled the parking lot about ten times, and
I'm ONLY 27, I Promise! Do you see that wrinkle right there above my eyebrow? It is really bothering me today. It just keeps looking at me...I think I might be considering a mini-brow lift or something. Anyone want to pay for it? I'm also noticing that I'm looking a little "tired".
I hate the Fairy Boy! I have been having the crappiest couple of days and all I wanted was some stuffed olivenos (ok, and some fried pickles too) from Wings'n'More. I realize that this goes against any previous blogs, but in a crisis situation those blogs need to be disregarded. Josh could have brought me some, but, NO...he wants to help me be good!!! This is what I get for having a guy for a friend instead of a girl...He has no idea when he should listen to me or when he should use his better judgement! There is such a thing as an emergency situation when certain foods are a must or complete insanity will take place!!!
After ...and maybe soon I will be able to post one that is an after, after...
Whoaa! (Before) I'm am posting these before and after shots so I can see them everytime I look at my blog...hopefully it will keep me focused on my goal....
LLAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (You kind of have to "sing" this sounds a lot better, and makes more sense if you do...go on, try it...out loud.) My massage yesterday....OMG!!! It was sooooooooo good. It's very painful at first, but after all the jack-hammering to get out all the knots, it's so freakin' relaxing. I can't wait to back. However, already I can start to feel the tension coming back into my shoulders. I need to stretch. Everyone needs a massage therapist at hand. Josh is now trying to steal mine. He can't find anything of his own...he wants a haircut - he wants to go see MY hairstylist...he wants a trainer - he wants to use MY trainer...he wants a massage - he wants to use my massage therpist...Get your own, LOSER!!!.
I think I can, I think I can . . . This is so ridiculous!!! I have spent so much money to have a trainer, and really I have nothing to show for it. I have been in the same place for at least the last 6 months. I went to two buffets with Josh yesterday! Going to the gym is not a problem...I love's trying to break old eating habits that is the hard part, but even that is not so difficult. The difficult part comes in trying not to let food be a "social event". I don't want to eat out!!! And people everywhere keep asking me if I want to!! I'm a big girl and I can say no, but it's so hard when people are contantly asking if you want to go to lunch and stuff so that they have something to do that day. You don't offer heroin to a recovering junkie, and you shouldn't offer food to a food addict either! Where's the support. People just don't understand because everyone is also caught up in their own food addictions and their own issues. I&#
I ROCK! I was also an hour late for work this morning. I woke up right when I was supposed to be dropping Gabby off at the daycare. I slept right through my alarm...I knew that was going to happen!!! Went to the gym and worked out with Aaron today. It was a great work-out, and great conversation as well. Mostly I just watched his orange tongue ring bobbing up and down as he talked! lol. I am going to get a much needed massage tomorrow. I can't wait!!! Even though this massage therapist I'm going to see likes to "talk to my nervous system", she's a little weird, but really good at her job, so, who cares, right? She can talk to my nervous system and hang crystals from my toes for all I long as my shoulders stop HURTING!!!
OUCH!!! Have you ever had someone stick their thumbs right up into your rotator cuff and hold it there for 30 seconds just to get out adhesions (knots of very tight muscles)? The muscles in my shoulders and upper back are as hard as bone!!! I need help very badly!!!...but I don't think the kind of "help" Aaron gives me is very feels more like punishment that I get for eating some chicken's like he builds up his anger with me and he can't wait till I start complaining that some part of my body is feeling that point I'm almost positive that some little light comes on in his pretty blonde head and he says to himself, "I've got her now!...Chicken stips AWAY...I will beat her into submission...muhahaha!" And you know...if he wanted to beat me into submission I just might like it!!! :) LOL. Sometimes I really have to ask myself why I pay someone to inflict uncontrollable, unbelieveable pain on me!!! But it's
Me E Edgy L Loud I Irresistible Z Zippy A Awesome B Brilliant E Energetic T Tame H Healthy Name / Username: Name Acronym Generator From
Flog My Molly, Please? Went back to work today...Gabby started 1st grade today, and I don't want to talk about it. It really, really bugs me when people don't return your emails. Even if you end up talking to them on the phone or IMing or whatever...EMAILS SHOULD ALWAYS GET A REPLY!!! I think it bugs me almost as much as hearing people breathe when they're chewing!!!
Whhhaaaaa! This morning, Gabby and I went to her new school for "open house/meet your teacher". Gabby was acting shy as usual with people she doesn't know. I don't know why I'm so scared that she's not going to be able to adjust, or that she's going to be traumatized in some weird way by changing part of her world around. She's excited, and she really wants to do this. I'm the one that's scared she's not going to be able to find the cafeteria, or that she's not going to be able to get breakfast and lunch. We were both really "pampered" by having her go to a private daycare for kindergarten. She was at that daycare since she was 2! Kids adjust though. They usually adjust much more easily than adults do. I have nothing to worry about, but can't help feeling a little sad that my baby is a 1st grader!!! I feel like I've missed sooo much. This is one of the other reasons I wonder if me going to school is worth it. I kno
What happened to my pretty feet? Most of you might not be able to tell that this is a really bad polish job...but trust me!..It most definitely is!!! It looks nothing like it's supposed to!!!
Pedicure from Hell Josh did the nicest thing in the world for me today...he called in sick and took me to get a pedicure. It was the best pedicure ever!!! The massage chair was going, my feet were soaking, I got a nice leg massage, and hot towels wrapped around my feet. My toes were polished, I was stuck under the dryer, and sent on my way. Not even two seconds out of the salon I'm looking down at my toes, and even without my glasses on, I can see that somethin' just ain't right! I take a closer look, and sure enough...they're like a bad plastic surgery...completely botched. My big toenails are cut to a length that is almost to the point of being painful, and the polish job is the worst I have ever seen. I was supposed to get an American Manicure...a little like a French Manicure, but more natural looking. There's supposed to be a little white line across the top of each seems to be missing from some toes altogether, and from others, just in the
Yackety Schmakety I went with Gabby to a birthday party today for a little girl in her Karate class. It was being held at the Karate school. I was not informed that the only other people that were going to be there was family...and Gabby and me. The little girl is the niece of the owner of the Karate place. It was the weirdest, most uncomfortable thing in the world, but we made it through. As long as I can find a way not to break Gabby's spirit when disciplining daughter will be a Leader. She has the most uncanny knack for bringing people right up under her thumb. Watching her with other little kids is amazing...they all turn into HER "pack". These are qualities that no one really has on either side of her family...unless that's only because the rest of "us" had our spirits broken. Gabby is truly a gift beyond belief, and I really, really need to learn to appreciate it, and not let the daily grind get in the way. Have you ever done anything o
Beyond My Current "Life" This blog is probably going to sound very cliche and very trivial, or at best just the ramblings of a mad woman...We all work the nine to fiver, we all work and work and work to have more and more commodities...and I, I thought I was doing something different. I thought, "I'm not the same as all these fools." I am just following along working until I can get to the point where I CAN be different. I'm now of the thought that I was completely wrong. I'm not any different from you or you or you. I work my butt off trying to finish getting a degree cuz that's what everyone wants. I work my butt off trying to get a degree in something that I thought would get me somewhere "different". What I really do is work my butt off to do the same as everyone else: Get a degree and work my nine to fiver so that I can supposrt myself and my child and have more and more THINGS. Don't get me wrong - I do love those THINGS - but
What the . . . ? Joshy having fun with MY webcam.
No Bagels, and I'm Sad I made it through the morning without having my bagel and coffee fix. Kind of made me sad :( LOL. Went to the gym this morning...Aaron and I were not getting along so well. I think there was some tension. He was probably frustrated with me for complaining so much, and me with him for making me do really hard stuff the whole time back to back. I have to be at school all day to finish things that I put off all last week! I am such the procrastinator. Ok, I'm having a hard time finishing this and IM-ing at the same time...
Just Me! FUN!
Webcam I am slowly but surely joining the 21st century. Yesterday I got a webcam. Today I installed it. I can't believe how hard it was to install...not really hard...but I was getting a lot of error messages and stuff, but alas...I did...all by myself...It's always very cool when that happens. This was a pretty good weekend. A little drama started it off, but it has definitely ended up very well. So, now I get to take cute little pictures and stuff. I'm so excited. My bagel and coffe addiction took over again this morning. Tomorrow I AM NOT going to even think about bagels and coffee!!! I had a conversation this morning about the other other white was a little disturbing, Christopher! Are insects really considered "animals" or are shell fish for that matter?