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Movie Therapy

Star Trek - LOVED it! You don't have to be a Star Trek fan to love it either. Best action movie I've seen since Iron Man. I'm a little biased though...the same guys do the best show of all time LOST. Those guys are awesome at character development!

The English Patient - Yea, I just saw it for the first time. Don't know why I never watched it's my kind of movie. LOVED it! a few points I thought "how the hell long is this movie!!!".

Seven Pounds - OMG! I haven't cried...sobbing, heaving, that since The Color Purple. But now I'm too obsessed and caught up with thinking about the "human experience"...and how most people are just shitheads.

Going out to see my friends' Kevin and Andy's band play. A little excited. P-Dub is in Houston this weekend, so I'm pretty much freer than Nelson Mandela. I don't know what that means....


Jessiedc28 said…
I'm glad you liked the movie Seven Pounds. I cried too. It was a good story. Sniff Sniff.
stephanie said…
I just watched 7 Pounds last night - was having an emotional day anyway and then cried some more! SO GOOD!

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