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Guess I wasn't done...

I'm bored, so I thought I'd blog about a few more things, but don't forget to check out the post before this's new too....

One more thing with the A.D.D. On the test I took, I only had to have two "peaks" that were high in order to say I have A.D.D. I had SIX!!! He said my impulsiveness is off the charts. Yea. That makes sense. That's why I interrupt people when they're speaking, I finish people's sentences. I change the subject on conversations before other people are done. I just do and say things without thinking about the consequences. Or, when I type a blog really fast, see the mistakes I've made, and just don't care. I'm taking this very seriously. It's so nice to put a name to something and not just have drugs thrown at me and have people say, "You're just stressed out." Funny how dating P-Dub has been the thing that has made me want to take this seriously and to actually realize how big of a problem I really have. Andrea's brain works like mine, so I never notice when I'm being impulsive or forgetting things. He is so calm and laid back..and I'm always on edge. Don't know how to relax. Even when I'm in my most relaxing the pool...I'm constantly fidgeting...thinking way too hard about every little's so annoying. The biggest thing I'm hoping to gain from medication and behavioral modification is to gain that sense of calm.

There's a book I saw about A.D.D. that I want to get. It's called something like, I'm not really Weird, Lazy, or Dumb. Because, that's how I've felt other people look at me a lot. I tack the dumb part on to myself though. I'm sure I'll be talking about this a lot more.

Andrea is gone for a week. She decided to "get away". Literally. She flew in to Buffalo, NY on Friday and is renting a car and driving to Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec Canada. Staying a couple of days in each one...then driving back to NY...maybe staying in a cabin in the Andirondaks and flying home from Buffalo next Saturday. I'm a little jealous. But she definitely could use the time away I think.

Last Saturday, we went our friends' bands show at Rebar, The Cinderleaf. Here's a couple of really drunk, pretty awful pics...

I had a pretty decent time. And for once, when I was done, and not having fun anymore, I was done. And I went home. P-Dub has taught me that, too. I don't have to stay out till 2 every time I go out...just to stay out. When I'm done, I'm done.

I got a new phone last weekend, too. There are lots of things I don't like about it. I had a Razr for years and LOVED it! But, I got sucked in by my new phone's MP3 and FM radio capabilities. I had been looking to buy an MP3 player for the gym, and now I have a phone that is specifically made for that. So, I don't really like it, yet, because I haven't played with that part of it. Maybe I'll try to download a couple of songs today before we go to the pool. I'm super happy not to have a pink phone anymore, though! The thing I miss most about the Razr is how big the number buttons were. I have such big hands, I hate the little numbers on my new phone. And since it's a slide phone, I have an even harder time hitting the 1,2, and 3.

My old phone.

The new beast.

I don't talk about them very often, but my kitties are seriously the best thing I've ever done for myself. I hate cleaning the litter box. I hate all the shedding hair. I hate that if the litter box isn't spotless, Black Hawk will find a place nearby it and just pee. And I hate that Apache has destroyed my leather couch by clawing it to death, BUT...every time I come home and they're waiting by the door for me...or when I go to bed and Black Hawk jumps into his spot and looks at me like, "Ok, I'm ready for bed, too!" heart melts. I think my anxiety and everything else would be out of control if I didn't have them. On the weekends, their favorite thing is for me to get up and open the window so they can sit there and watch the birds and tennis players, and whatever else they do.

Except whenever a bird flies by, Black Hawk thinks it flies into the window or something and then he spends forever trying to get it you can see below...

See, he thinks it's in there somewhere...although I don't know what he thinks is behind him in this pic.

But, this is what they usually do. And then Black Hawk will get pissed that Apache is taking up his window sill and push him off. (Apache to the left, the sleek one. Black Hawk in the back, the fuzzy one.)

Whew! I'm bored. Hope you're not. This has been a lot today. Maybe I'm just looking for things to say. But that's pretty much everything going on right now. I'll probably be putting a new post over at True Romance? and My Diet Cliche today as well. Someday maybe I won't have to "hide" P-Dub, but for now I still do, so keep up with that because it's going great!


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