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Home is where the heart is.

My "heart" isn't really in my new apartment yet. It's still mourning all the old memories from the old apartment. But, I do love it. I really love it! It's so much bigger, and I have brand new carpet.

The move was hard. My washing machine and computer desk both fell apart when we tried to move them. So...I got new ones! YAY! I couldn't believe I had collected as much crap as I had in 10 years! But I got rid of everything that hadn't been seen or touched in quite a while. I don't even remember the final total on the number of trash bags that went to trash or Goodwill.

Everything is all clean now! And not smokey! Except for my closet. The smoke is embeded into my clothing! So, I'm doing one or two loads of laundry every night, and hopefully it will disappear!

Gabby likes it, but I think she's a little stressed. Her room is further away from mine, and she grew up in our old apartment from birth. And, we won't have cable until Thursday, so she misses watching cartoons. Plus, I think her hormones are starting to kick in...she's very emotional!

After being completely freaked out while we were moving, the kittens love their new home. They have slept with me for the past two nights. But they need a schedule. They think running from one end of the apartment to the other, and play time begins at 5am! They need to know that we don't get up until the snooze button has been hit 3 times!!!!

Now we just have to finish unpacking! And I would love for anyone to come by or visit! I didn't feel that way in the old apartment. There, I just wanted to hide my mess!


Hi! So this is your new blog home! I've been wondering where you went but was too lazy to ask you on MySpace, ha ha ha! I looked on Jessica's blog today and saw the link! I'm so happy I can get caught up now! Virtual Hugs!

I didn't know you had lost me! But, I'm glad you found me again! I just got my computer back after a year, so I'm trying to catch up with everyone, too!
Jessiedc28 said…
I can't wait to visit!

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