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It's been a long week! And I haven't really been able to do any unpacking because Gabby and I have had so many other appointments and errands and such this week.

Yesterday I took the kitties to the vet. They need this liquid medication that I have to give them in a syringe. I knew they would fight me, but I was not prepared for how strong they are! I have scratches EVERYWHERE! And they were pissed to say the least. Apache hated it the most. He tore me up with his flesh tearing claws...and then he sat on the floor with a sad little face...bubbles of medicine dripping from his lip...he wouldn't even lick it off...he just kept smacking his mouth and making MORE bubbles and foam!

We love those little kittens, but they have decided that wrestling with each other in my bed at 1 am is their favorite past time! At which point I grab a kitty...whichever I can find...both would be best...throw them out my door, and close the which point they scratch and cry...I sleep...Gabby gets up (I guess)opens my door and puts them back inside...unless they've learned to open the door!

Gabby goes to her dad's this weekend. She'll get all the TLC she needs there. She fell yesterday and has a huge bruise on her knee...I keep telling her she'll be ok and to suck it up...her dad will kiss it and make it all better. That's what he's good for. He's the comforter.

I don't know what this weekend holds. I am going to the gym this evening. Then I might go to a softball game with my new friend/coworker Maria...or I might stay home and unpack a little...tomorrow...the gym again...unpacking, and then I might go out with Maria...and my friend the Dr. (read True Romance?) is coming over later in the night. Sunday...more unpacking...and laundry...I can't wait till it's all done.!

Today at work we were allowed to wear jeans with football "gear". I'm not a fan of football, but I do still have JC's prized A&M, I'm sitting here at work cringing that I'm wearing this thing! But, I wanted to wear jeans and tennis shoes, so I'll suffer!


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