So, it was a year ago yesterday that I started this damn thing. Jessie, who has been my best friend since we were 15, started one, and I thought I would give it a whirl, too. It started as something I wasn't sure about, and then quickly turned into something I couldn't live without. I became obsessed. Then for a while I it became something that I felt like I HAD to do. Now, I'm so happy, and things are going so well, and this has become something I want to do, to vent, to self express, to cope, and to register all the memories I have in the making. I've decided to do a kind of Top Ten favorite blog posts for my anniversary. Jessie did the same thing, and I thought, "How appropiate that I should steal her idea since I started this thing by stealing her idea as well, and many a post I have been a tricksy blog thief."
1. Beyond My Current Life - this was my very first tantrum ridden post. There were many more to come, but this was the first time I let it all hang out.
2. Aaron . . . Beauty or Beast? - I talked a lot in those early days about my torturous trainer Aaron, and this is the post that gave him the name Aaron the Beast for any post that followed. Gawd, I miss him!
3. Has anyone ever told you you looke like . . . ? - okay, I'm only adding this one because it still continues to happen, and because Jessie, in the comments, told me that I do really look like a young Ann Margaret and she's hot . . . I can be all about the ego boosts sometimes!
4. Time to Share? - the beginnings of my never ending posts about the AOC.
5. My Ever Funny Daughter - Gabby can be pretty entertaining, and apparently her antics were funny to all in this post.
6. Do you wash your candles? - Mom's pretty entertaining, too.
7. I can be very anal . . . - an example of any number of my crazy rants.
8. Worst Week Ever, "When it rains, it pours.", and Torn and Tattered - these three posts are from one of the worst weeks that I had ever had, and I just think it's funny how upset I was at the time, and things could have been a lot worse, but boy was I pissed off!
9. Trauma - the day my life changed as I knew it, and I'm not so sure that I'm still not over it. I haven't been to the gym in a month and a half (partly due to my new boyfriend), and I'm still blaming it all on the fact that Aaron the Beast left me high and dry!
10. SanDisk - probably the beginning of the end with the AOC, even though I let it continue on till the present.
. . . .this is obviously going past a Top Ten List, and you better not say a word about it!!! . . . .
11. Mc - Mc - McCheese - this post seemed to cause some concern.
12. Josh the fairy boy . . . or funny man?, Josh . . . Just Plain Dumb?, Parental Advisory Warning!, Toyota Corrola, In the left corner we have . . ., and . . . 5 Bottles of Beer on the Wall . . . - these 6 posts are some of my favorites because they're all about my best friend Josh who annoys me to tears, but I couldn't live without, and we've had some pretty good times, too!
13. Something old, something new . . . - just a list to let me know what was important to me at one point in time.
14. Where the hell are you goin? - everyone tried to steal my boots!
15. Does Anyone but Jessica and My Sister Actually Read This?? - I was feeling low, and I got much love in the comments section!
16. Josh is Smoking CRACK! - EGO BOOST!
17. Shopping Sprees & Toothpaste Capris - I just personally really enjoy this post, but it's really just another rant.
18. Stay Away! - another list.
19. Did you know the Tooth Fairy is a drunken, paryting whore? - My ever funny daughter, again!
20. Is this the end? - my dying hamster seemed to generate a lot of concern from jessie and her sister, Min Pin Momma.
21. Sunday Morning Hungover Hat Fun - the beginnings of Obi-Wan Kenobe
22. One More Thing This Morning - just weird and funny.
23. Is it morning? - I just personally love this post.
24. New Things That I Love - another list!
25. "Tonight's the night . . . " - the latest list . . .
Sheesh! I guess this is a Top 25! Gawd! Why have you people never told me how long winded I am!!!???
. . . . are you dying to know how the meeting between Gabby and Obi-Wan went last night? . . . .
1. Beyond My Current Life - this was my very first tantrum ridden post. There were many more to come, but this was the first time I let it all hang out.
2. Aaron . . . Beauty or Beast? - I talked a lot in those early days about my torturous trainer Aaron, and this is the post that gave him the name Aaron the Beast for any post that followed. Gawd, I miss him!
3. Has anyone ever told you you looke like . . . ? - okay, I'm only adding this one because it still continues to happen, and because Jessie, in the comments, told me that I do really look like a young Ann Margaret and she's hot . . . I can be all about the ego boosts sometimes!
4. Time to Share? - the beginnings of my never ending posts about the AOC.
5. My Ever Funny Daughter - Gabby can be pretty entertaining, and apparently her antics were funny to all in this post.
6. Do you wash your candles? - Mom's pretty entertaining, too.
7. I can be very anal . . . - an example of any number of my crazy rants.
8. Worst Week Ever, "When it rains, it pours.", and Torn and Tattered - these three posts are from one of the worst weeks that I had ever had, and I just think it's funny how upset I was at the time, and things could have been a lot worse, but boy was I pissed off!
9. Trauma - the day my life changed as I knew it, and I'm not so sure that I'm still not over it. I haven't been to the gym in a month and a half (partly due to my new boyfriend), and I'm still blaming it all on the fact that Aaron the Beast left me high and dry!
10. SanDisk - probably the beginning of the end with the AOC, even though I let it continue on till the present.
. . . .this is obviously going past a Top Ten List, and you better not say a word about it!!! . . . .
11. Mc - Mc - McCheese - this post seemed to cause some concern.
12. Josh the fairy boy . . . or funny man?, Josh . . . Just Plain Dumb?, Parental Advisory Warning!, Toyota Corrola, In the left corner we have . . ., and . . . 5 Bottles of Beer on the Wall . . . - these 6 posts are some of my favorites because they're all about my best friend Josh who annoys me to tears, but I couldn't live without, and we've had some pretty good times, too!
13. Something old, something new . . . - just a list to let me know what was important to me at one point in time.
14. Where the hell are you goin? - everyone tried to steal my boots!
15. Does Anyone but Jessica and My Sister Actually Read This?? - I was feeling low, and I got much love in the comments section!
16. Josh is Smoking CRACK! - EGO BOOST!
17. Shopping Sprees & Toothpaste Capris - I just personally really enjoy this post, but it's really just another rant.
18. Stay Away! - another list.
19. Did you know the Tooth Fairy is a drunken, paryting whore? - My ever funny daughter, again!
20. Is this the end? - my dying hamster seemed to generate a lot of concern from jessie and her sister, Min Pin Momma.
21. Sunday Morning Hungover Hat Fun - the beginnings of Obi-Wan Kenobe
22. One More Thing This Morning - just weird and funny.
23. Is it morning? - I just personally love this post.
24. New Things That I Love - another list!
25. "Tonight's the night . . . " - the latest list . . .
Sheesh! I guess this is a Top 25! Gawd! Why have you people never told me how long winded I am!!!???
. . . . are you dying to know how the meeting between Gabby and Obi-Wan went last night? . . . .