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The Best Sleep of My Life

My last post was triggered by my interaction with Gabby's dad when I picked her up yesterday. He has this way of making me feel so guilty, low, unworthy of anything, a horrible mother, and anything else bad you can think of. I called J.C. the minute I left his house, but he was working and I couldn't talk to him. Later I kind of thought that maybe it was something I should'nt really discuss with J.C. because it was all about my "EX", but when we finally did talk, he made me feel so much better. It's really nice to finally have someone in my life that I can actually "talk" to, and they get me, and there's no arguing, or feelings that the other person has some kind of hidden agenda. He's not keeping everything I say or do locked in his mind so that he can use it later on. He truly does just simply love me, and wants to be part of everything, good or bad, in my life. I can't even begin to explain how good that feels. And regarding a comment on my last post, yes he has a little partying still to get out of his system, but then again, I've never had the kind of lifestyle that a normal person in their early 20's has lived. I was a parent at the age of 20, so, I have a little partying to get out of my system, too. It works...for now, at least, and I think it's really important for me to start concentrating on the here and now, not live in the past, and not be such an alarmist about the future.

The last few weeks we've been spending a lot of time by the pool, and Mi-Mi is always the first to say, "Hurry up, let's go, it's a beautiful day." And don't get me wrong, if you know me, I LOVE going to the pool, but it doesn't give me much alone time with J.C. at all. Today we took a nap together and completely ignored both of our phones. We both woke up, kind of looked at each other, and agreed that we had just had some of the best sleep of our lives...thanks to snuggling!

BTW, Thank you, Josh and Jess! You both saved my butt today, and I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it feels to have such great friends.


Jessiedc28 said…
You're welcome. I hope that means that on your last post when you said, "I also have some really really great friends right now. People that I really feel secure and cared for with." that you meant US!
Of course I was including you guys! I was thinking more about how all the male friends we had before were real jerks.
Jessiedc28 said…
Ok...just to be sure. It sounded (at first) like you meant you're new gang of bar busters. I'm glad I'm still included.
No, I meant that before I had a lot of friends that were "Liz Busters", and then I didn't really have any, and now I have a lot more that are not the way the other ones were, and of course you're still included, dork!

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