Mi-Mi, J.C. (Obi-Wan), and I spent the day by the pool on Monday. Mi-Mi bought a boat that she's planning on using when we go tubing, but first we had to try it out. This picture is J.C. running and jumping onto the newly invented "SpeedRacer". We hung for hours until it started to rain. Then we had fun holding towels up to our faces and making "mean eyes" . . . as you probably can tell it wasn't really fun . . . just boredom taking over.
Things have been going well. I've waited too long to post to remember everything fun that has happened. So, this will be a quick little update. I've been out way too much and drinking way too much, and probably having too much fun . . . if that's possible. I think I fall more in love with J.C. everyday that I spend with him. The word "forever" has come up a few times.

have 3 weeks left of "summer" before I have to go back to work and school. I'm actually a little excited about my last semester. I have some really good classes lined up. I'm taking a full load even though I only need 9 hours. And I think I've decided in the Spring to continue with getting my Master's.
I have so sucked at going to the gym lately, and I'm feeling really horrible about myself these days. But, with all the other good stuff going on I haven't focused on it too much, but I need to.
My sister and brother-in-law will also be moving here in about 2 weeks. I can't wait! I only hope they will get along with J.C. and crowd . . .

This is the SS Super Floater that Mi-Mi and Obi-Wan built out of three floatation devices. I think that's the name we finally decided on. They were in love with it, and I thought it was the most uncomfortable thing on earth, and begged to have my King Chair untied and back to normal!