Looking for a new name? . . . Try this!
Josh sent this to me today, I thought it was cute, and it made me laugh...I know I already emailed it to some people, but try it and post your new name in the comments...make me laugh!!
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = poopsie, b = lumpy, c = buttercup, d=gadget, e= crusty, f = greasy, g = fluffy, h = cheeseball, i = chim-chim, j = stinky, k = flunky, l = bootie, m = pinky, n = zippy, o = goober, p = doofus, q = slimy, r = loopy, s = snotty, t = tootie, u = dorkey, v = squeezit, w = oprah, x = skipper, y = dinky, z = zsa-zsa
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = apple, b = toilet, c = giggle, d = burger, e = girdle, f = barf, g = lizard, h = waffle, i = cootie, j = monkey, k = potty, l = liver, m = banana, n = rhino, o = bubble, p = hamster, q = toad, r = gizzard, s = pizza, t = gerbil, u = chicken, v = pickle, w = chuckle, x = tofu, y = gorilla, z = stinker
Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = head, b = mouth, c = face, d = nose, e = tush, f = breath, g = pants, h = shorts, i = lips, j = honker, k = butt, l = brain, m = tushie, n = biscuits, o = hiney, p = chunks, q = toes, r = buns, s = fanny, t = sniffer, u = sprinkles, v = kisser, w = squirt, x = humperdinck, y = brains, z = juice
Josh sent this to me today, I thought it was cute, and it made me laugh...I know I already emailed it to some people, but try it and post your new name in the comments...make me laugh!!
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = poopsie, b = lumpy, c = buttercup, d=gadget, e= crusty, f = greasy, g = fluffy, h = cheeseball, i = chim-chim, j = stinky, k = flunky, l = bootie, m = pinky, n = zippy, o = goober, p = doofus, q = slimy, r = loopy, s = snotty, t = tootie, u = dorkey, v = squeezit, w = oprah, x = skipper, y = dinky, z = zsa-zsa
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = apple, b = toilet, c = giggle, d = burger, e = girdle, f = barf, g = lizard, h = waffle, i = cootie, j = monkey, k = potty, l = liver, m = banana, n = rhino, o = bubble, p = hamster, q = toad, r = gizzard, s = pizza, t = gerbil, u = chicken, v = pickle, w = chuckle, x = tofu, y = gorilla, z = stinker
Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = head, b = mouth, c = face, d = nose, e = tush, f = breath, g = pants, h = shorts, i = lips, j = honker, k = butt, l = brain, m = tushie, n = biscuits, o = hiney, p = chunks, q = toes, r = buns, s = fanny, t = sniffer, u = sprinkles, v = kisser, w = squirt, x = humperdinck, y = brains, z = juice