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I have just a couple more things to say!!!

I'm running so late. I told JC I'd go sit at the bar and let him serve me an hour ago! Oops!

1. I'm going to drop my two rolls of film off today! I will! And I will then get both of those along with another one from the summer up and running on this blog by Sunday! I will!!!

2. Hear Ye, Hear Ye...all of you way too happy horn honkers! Knock it the hell off!!! The other day in the gas station, I was leaving, I pulled up to the exit, I barely had stopped for 2 seconds to even see if I could venture out...I was making a left turn after all...I HAD to look both ways. So, I'm so terribly sorry to the asshole who pulled up behind me, and honked his horn a couple of times at me the nanosecond that I pulled up! He really, really pissed me off. I'm so sorry, Mr., that you were taking a right hand turn and didn't need to look both ways! You freakin' jerk! I was so angry I started yelling and waving my arms wildly in my rearview mirror at him. He honked again!!! Can you believe that??? So...I did what any calm, sane person would do...I started honking my horn right back at him!!!

Lay off the horn people! There should be a three honks a week limit. Once you've used them up, your car won't honk until next week. I am not one of those people who sits at a light for too long! In fact, I usually gun it, and am off before anyone else goes! So, knock it off with your crap!

Whew! Thanks. I needed that.


Jacq said…
That is so funny about the honking. I once had someone FLIP ME THE BIRD and putting their middle finger THROUGH THEIR SUN ROOF!

Cool huh?

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