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Showing posts from January, 2007

Let's talk about boobs.

More specifically, let's talk about MY boobs. In fact, boobs isn't the right word for mine anymore. I think a whole new word needs to be invented for these globes that sit upon my chest. Now, some of you may think that I'm bragging, and may even get on my case because you don't have boobs, want them, and therefore are mad at me for having way more than my share, but...let me be the first to tell you that the "grass is always greener"! So, I've gained about 2 sizes in my clothes. Yea, I'm not happy about that, but that's a whole other blog, or just go read my other blog "My Diet Cliche". Did you go? Did you see how it's empty for any time period that's current? I think that says it all. Anyway...onto the boobs...I may have added 2 sizes to my clothes, but I swear my boobs are about 5 times the size that they were last year. Every time I put my bra on in the morning it's like trying to wrestle a two headed baby...make that a wet

Stick a fork in me...

What a completely exhausting day!!! I went back to work today, which was good. Really, really good. I felt good about myself...productive. Not sleeping my life away. It was nice to be around a different group of people, too. But I am tired! Tired is not even the word. I had to get up at 5 this morning, and actually stay up! And, of course, because I haven't been going to bed until like 2am for the last few months, there was no way I was going to fall asleep before then last night. Hopefull tonight I'll be so exhausted I'll make it to bed by 10. I did actually get those rolls of film dropped off, but never made it back here to my parent's. And now that I am here on unexpected business, I don't have the CD's with me. Darn it! Josh has begging me and begging me to come see his whole new state of the art entertainment system that he bought with his Christmas bonus. So, Sunday, JC and I went over to check it out. Josh and JC ended up playing that damn P

I have just a couple more things to say!!!

I'm running so late. I told JC I'd go sit at the bar and let him serve me an hour ago! Oops! 1. I'm going to drop my two rolls of film off today! I will! And I will then get both of those along with another one from the summer up and running on this blog by Sunday! I will!!! 2. Hear Ye, Hear Ye...all of you way too happy horn honkers! Knock it the hell off!!! The other day in the gas station, I was leaving, I pulled up to the exit, I barely had stopped for 2 seconds to even see if I could venture out...I was making a left turn after all...I HAD to look both ways. So, I'm so terribly sorry to the asshole who pulled up behind me, and honked his horn a couple of times at me the nanosecond that I pulled up! He really, really pissed me off. I'm so sorry, Mr., that you were taking a right hand turn and didn't need to look both ways! You freakin' jerk! I was so angry I started yelling and waving my arms wildly in my rearview mirror at him. He honked again!!! Can yo

All Iced In

In case anyone has been watching the weather for the whole will know that here in sunny San Antonio, we have been having some very out of the ordinary weather. We got iced in for the last two days. Not snowed in...It's all ice. Snow to the north, but all we got was freezing rain. I was cracking ice off my car with a wooden flip-flop keychain, seeing as how I don't own an ice chipper or whatever you call them, because this isn't usually a problem. Gabby got to have two ice days from school. I have spent the last almost 72 hours in my house, and I'm literally going crazy!!! I just had to get over to my mom's today so I could do something different for a change. The roads are much safter, but watch out for the ice flying off of cars! I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that a chunk of ice the size of a passenger side car window came hurling at me! It was kind of scary. Or the ice falling from the power lines...that's kind of scary, too. But, th

I hate my hair.

Who knew that so much confidence and self-esteem could be held up in hair!? Who knew that even when you gain 60lbs and feel disgusting, that it would be your hair that was keeping you going and feeling like you had a little sex appeal left?! I hate my new haircut! I can't wait until it grows out! It's not even so much the length, it's that fact that all my layers are gone, and my hair is all one length now. I hate it, hate it, hate it. If I can get it together in the next few days, I'll post some pictures from Christmas and you'll see. You'll hate it, too! I feel 10 years older. Seriously. With all this weight I've added on, this haircut makes me feel like a serious soccer mom. With that...I'm off to an interview and then to the gym.

2006 - The Crying Year

That's what I'm calling this year that I'm so happy is now gone. I feel great about this upcoming year. I woke up feeling really good, minus the hangover. JC and I went out last night and rang in the New Year together with a few friends. Last year, I wasn't feeling so great about the upcoming year, and I really should have listened to that instinct. I did however get a new car, which is one year old today. But, JC and I still weren't back together, I was addicted to Vicodin, and I was screwing up school after having to drop out the semester before. So, even after getting back with JC, and even thought I have had some amazing times this year, I would say that I spent most of the year crying. Being depressed, feeling sorry for myself, even though I had some really good things going for me. I was frustrated and annoyed, and just "over" all of it. I don't want to continue any of those things. I'll still be frustrated with finding a job for a litt