I woke up on a Friday morning not feeling so hot. I guess it was sometime around Sept. 30. I went to one class, came home took a nap, and then got Gabby and me ready to go out to the "country" to meet and hang out with JC's family. All of that went pretty well, even though I was feeling really under the weather. By the time we left the country though, I was in some serious pain. I spiked a pretty high fever in the car on the way home. By the next day I was worse, and it just kept getting worse. I don't remember a whole lot. The first time I went to see a doctor, JC had to call my sister to come watch Gabby so he could take me. They put me on prednisone, Vicodin, and an antibiotic. I still continued to get worse though. I had a 102 degree fever that just wouldn't go away. JC came and stayed with me a couple of nights, and I woke up one morning throwing up in the bathroom, extremely high fever, and pretty much dying and begging to go to the emergency room. JC had to call my sister again to come get me and take me. They pretty much carried me to the car. I was seen right away in the ER and treated for dehydration and tonsilitis. They squeezed three IV bags into my body, and gave me morphine. I don't remember much. Sometimes I would open my eyes and my sister would be there, sometimes she wasn't, sometimes she was staring at me like I was about to die. I felt like I was. I still continued to get worse, and went to stay with my parent's. That night they took me to the ER again, and once again I got some morphine, IV solution stuff, and they told me I could stay in the hospital if I wanted because I just couldn't control my pain and keep myself hydrated. I got a shot of penicilian in one butt cheek and a steroid in the other. Everything was a mess. My sister came and cleaned my apartment while I stayed with my parents, slept, and watched my mom do about 4 weeks of my laundry. A few days later I started feeling better, but I'm still not anywhere near my normal self. I couldn't eat, still can't, and have lost about 30lbs, which is super duper unhealthy, but I'm not going to say that I'm not happy that my old jeans are fitting again, and almost falling off. JC keeps telling me I'm wasting away to nothing and I even look shorter. I have one day left of my antibiotic, and I'm scared that once I stop it, I'm just going to flare up again because my right tonsil and ear is still in a lot of pain. I can swallow now, but everything I eat makes me sick. I ate a 1/4 of a bagel this morning and a cup of coffee, which was actually really good, but once again my stomach hates me and I feel so sick. I don't think I'm ever going to be back to normal.
I missed 2 weeks of school, and catching up is a bitch. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, and now I really think I'm going to have my tonsils out and I'll have to miss more of my life. It's really scary to wake up on Oct 16th or so, and realize that you've missed a whole half a month of your life, and you didn't even remember or realize it. JC and I also had some problems during this time, and we've decided to kind of slow things down, and get back to just "hanging out"...we're not breaking up, but he's still really young, and if I want him, I need to change my attitude about the whole thing a little bit...anyways, we're working on it, and things are really good. I love him so much, and his "young" actions really piss me off sometimes, but he does try, and I can honestly say that the guy adores me...I might actually believe that for once...
Here are some more pictures from Mi-Mi's birthday party...

Wow! She was really wasted, and couldn't find a glass? JC is making the "shot face"...the face that one person makes, then the next...kind of saying, "Yes, I'd like a shot please?" I have no idea where it came from, but it's something I've had to grow into by joining this group.

Shots and a toast for Mi-Mi. You can see my arm in the white shirt toasting my cup of water.

JC hates this picture, and would probably kill me if he knew I put it up here, but I absolutely love it. His goatee and side burns got cut soon after this because they were really, really too long, and he had been out swimming, but I still think he looks scrumptous!
I missed 2 weeks of school, and catching up is a bitch. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, and now I really think I'm going to have my tonsils out and I'll have to miss more of my life. It's really scary to wake up on Oct 16th or so, and realize that you've missed a whole half a month of your life, and you didn't even remember or realize it. JC and I also had some problems during this time, and we've decided to kind of slow things down, and get back to just "hanging out"...we're not breaking up, but he's still really young, and if I want him, I need to change my attitude about the whole thing a little bit...anyways, we're working on it, and things are really good. I love him so much, and his "young" actions really piss me off sometimes, but he does try, and I can honestly say that the guy adores me...I might actually believe that for once...
Here are some more pictures from Mi-Mi's birthday party...

Wow! She was really wasted, and couldn't find a glass? JC is making the "shot face"...the face that one person makes, then the next...kind of saying, "Yes, I'd like a shot please?" I have no idea where it came from, but it's something I've had to grow into by joining this group.

Shots and a toast for Mi-Mi. You can see my arm in the white shirt toasting my cup of water.

JC hates this picture, and would probably kill me if he knew I put it up here, but I absolutely love it. His goatee and side burns got cut soon after this because they were really, really too long, and he had been out swimming, but I still think he looks scrumptous!
(big hug)