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Sweatin' Like a Gator

I really do have a boyfriend. It kind of hit me today. I dropped him off at work with a kiss, and "I love you", and a "have a great night, call me later". I then started driving home and had this revelation because I was wearing Obi One's football jersey, my shirt from last night is at his apartment, and his sunglasses are in my car. And before I dropped him off at work, he said, "Do WE need to get more cigarettes?" WE is the key word. I feel like the world's biggest dork for posting about this all the time, but I think it's great that I'm so f-ing happy. It's been way too long and I'm pretty sure I deserve it.

Last night was the usual cast of characters, plus we were joined by another friend of mine and Mi-Mi's from school, Jason. I thought Obi One might have been a little upset because Mi-Mi, Jason, and I talked about school non-stop for a little while causing Obi One and Velma to go play a game of golf on the arcade. But when I asked him he said, "Of course I'm not mad. I've never heard you talk so much before, and you're so freakin' smart, and that's just HOT!" I am lovin' this!

The AOC is still out of country and I haven't been concerned about him at all. I gave him some "code" words to use in his dispatches that he's sending back, and I haven't really thought about it, but today . . . he used one of the words. It's supposed to be his code to me to tell me he's thinking about me. I don't know what to do. I spent a year getting to know this guy as best as I could, and I do still have some weird strange feelings towards him, but "out of sight out of mind". I met Obi One, and now I"m a little confused when I think about the AOC, but it doesn't really seem to matter at this point.

Going out again tonight with the comic character group, and I have almost an entire week to spend with Obi One. Tuesday my parents are driving to Florida and taking Gabby with the. My uncle is turning 70 and he's throwing a huge party and the whole family will be there. I won't be flying out until Friday. His birthday is actually on the 29th, but he's throwing the party on Sunday the 26th, which is MY BIRTHDAY!!! I think it's a little shady. He's stealing my thunder. My mom always made birthdays so special that birthdays for myself or anyone I know are always my favorite "holidays". I will cry about getting older the day after, but the day of my birthday, I want all the glory and attention! It should be fun though. I should be excited about hanging out with my family, but I really kind of just want to be here with Obi One. (I can't get over how hot I think it is that my boyfriend dresses up like Obi One Kinobe, and attaches a braid to his head, and uses a light saber).

I'm so tired and think I will just curl up in Obi One's football jersey and take a nap. Velma, Mi-Mi and I are going to be getting together for some "girls who hate girls" girls night. I love those two girls. We're going to borrow Josh's playstation and sing our hearts out to Karaoke Revolution. After we left the bar last night we bonded in the parking lot. Obi One and Jason bonded over video games, and us three girls bonded over the fact that as you get older hair just starts popping up in places you never imagined, like the really long mutant hair I found growing out of my NECK the other day!


Jessiedc28 said…
Happy Birthday (early).
Your gift WILL be late.
I like you're new life.
I think you should let the AOC go.
I love you.
I met Jennifer Schmidt's twin tonight, and I wanted to kill her.
Anonymous said…
bounogiorno bella fiore, Io speranza que todo tutto`e bene. Rispondere a tu sissione. Si sai a me. Good day beautiful flower, I hope all is good with you. To answer your question yes you do know me. I am answering a question you asked a while back. I left it on one of Gabby's pic. Looks like you are deverting yourself away from AOC. Which now I know what it stands for. MAybe one day I will have another run in with you. Have a blessed weekend. Arrivederci!!! Signorina bellisimma!!! WoW!!! Bella Ragazza tene un Ragazzo.. bravo!!! Io desiderare mucho amore para ti. Amor `e: amicizia appiccare il fuoco.... Magari fortuna en L' amore.
Jammie J. said…
Wait. YOU dropped HIM off? *perplexed look* Sounds like you're in the driver's seat, then, eh? Not a bad place to be.

You have a crazy hair. Hee hee hee! Welcome to the world of crazy hairs.
J - unfortunately he doesn't have a car right now. I'm not sure if I'm in the driver's seat otherwise, but he is 5 years younger than me ... so I guess I probably do have the upper hand a little bit.

Jessie - I love you too.

Anon - So do I get to know who you are?

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