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Is it morning?

Last night was very interesting from a drunken point of view. A lot of the new friends I've been hanging out with lately all work, or used to work at this restaurant here in town where they have to dress up in costume and play the role. Of course, when we go out, they're obviously not dressed in costume, but it's funny how they choose characters that are very physically representative of themselves, and even a little representative of their personalities. Okay, they're actually ALOT like their characters! Which made the situation even more surreal. So, if I forget about their real names for a little while, my evening went something like this . . .

I got to the bar and met up with Mi-Mi from the Drew Carey show, and Mr. Incredible. We sipped on Bloody Mary's, and discussed the marketing for pickled, spicy green beans. I hate green beans, and I hate Bloody Mary's, but damn those green beans were good. We were sitting at a cozy little intimate table, but out of the clear blue there was a huge round table open that no one had seen before, with a sign that read Reserved . . . The thought of sitting at this table made us feel like Rock Stars, and since there were more people coming we decided to move over to the table (after we asked one of the bartenders if we could, and he told us that he had no idea where the table came from, so we could take it), and it was weird to be able to spread out all the keys, cigarettes, phones, ashtrays, and drinks, and not be bumping knees with Mi-Mi and Mr. Incredible.

A few minutes later we were joined by Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, himself, along with O-B One Kinobe (How the hell do you spell that? I could look it up right now, but I'm very hung over). Mi-Mi scooched over so that O-B One could sit next to me, kiss my forehead, and make me feel all giddy and shit. A few more minutes later we were joined by Velma from Scooby Doo. We had this nice big round table and decided that bumping knees with each other, and having to move stuff out of the way to fit the new pitchers of beer on the table was more fun, so we moved back to a small table, and Mi-Mi, Spiderman, O-B One and Velma joined up on teams (Tits and Cocks) to play darts.

My friend Eric from school showed up with both his sisters and their boyfriends. He was completely wasted . . . he's always completely wasted. He proceeded to pick up darts off the table and throw them at the dart board from his seat when other people were taking their shot. This did not go over too well. Mi-Mi kept saying she was seeing her life flash before her eyes when the dart went sailing over her head. But I thought it was really funny, and conspired with Eric to steal darts from Velma since O-B One was using the Force and being too quick (besides O-B One is too cute and I just wanted to kiss him, so I left his darts alone). Velma was pretty quick too though. Who knew she was smart AND ninja like? Eric and I didn't think we would ever find our opportunity, these costumed, cape crusaders were a tough match. But, alas, I saw my opening. Spidey's senses were down, he'd had too many Goldschlagger shots, he set the darts down. I asked him what his shirt said, he said, "Oh, here, read it . . . " . . . he took his hands off the darts, I reached in and snatched one off the table, and quickly handed it over to my partner in crime. He raised it into the air, released, and completely missed the dart board (earlier before the caped crusaders started hiding the darts, he hit a bull's eye, it was glorious!) Our little conspiracy wasn't going over too well. Mi-Mi threatened to never talk to me again. O-B One threatened to never kiss me again, and Spidey was upset for being more in Peter Parker mode and getting taken.

Did I mention that Mr. Incredible decided he'd been partying too much, and needed to get home early? He left before the dart fun began. The night was ending, we were falling off our chairs, the Cocks beat the Tits, and it was time to pay the tab and drive home. O-B One snatched my keys and we headed out to the pimp mobile station wagon with the sideview mirror blowing in the breeze, and drove home. We got back to O-B One and Velma's apartment, and Shaggy, his girlfriend, and a very high, short, cute, guy who is the spitting image of one of Jess' friends (it was freaking me out!!!) showed up. I played dominos with Velma, O-B One and the high, short, cute guy. And after that I don't remember much more until I woke up this morning with one of the worst hang overs I've ever had. O-B One's grasp of the Force wasn't working very well, he couldn't make my headache go away. I layed in bed and cried and whined, and then O-B One needed to 'study' for work, so he put the Phantom Menace on to study himself some more. See, he just recently became O-B One. In his previous life, a couple of days ago, he was Wesely, the swashbuckeling Dread Pirate Roberts from the Princess Bride.

I'm home now, hung over, trying to get down a bagel, and heading back towards bed. I'll call Mi-Mi when I wake up and see if she's feeling any better than I am. But for now, I will have sweet dreams of this dream-like night I had. It really was like one of those dreams where there are all these different characters and people from your real life, and you just don't know what the hell is going on.

Tonight M-Mi and I will be attending a party to hang out with Eric before he moves next week. Then we'll probably be off to meet up again with Mr. Incredible, O-B One, Velma, Spiderman, and who knows, Shaggy and Little Bo Peep could show up as well!

Things to note:
1. Never underestimate Velma. She's a ninja underneath that turtleneck and glasses.
2. Spiderman can be out done if you give him a few shots. Goldschlagger is his Kryptonite.
3. O-B One is the hottest man alive, and I get to call him my boyfriend for the time being . . . maybe . . . that's probably a whole other post.
4. The two uncostumed, most drunk people probably shouldn't be conspiring to steal darts. Especially if it makes Mi-Mi mad.
5. Throwing up when your new boyfriend/relationship/dating type person is around is not so attractive, but it's totally awesome if he's so nice and kisses you anyway! And it's totally awesome when you say, "This is a really attractive way to see me, all hung over, whiney, and a mess.", and he says, "I think it's hot. You can't lose any hottness points with me!"
6. Never, ever eat a Big Country Breakfast at IHOP, and a spicy green bean before you begin your drunken stupor surrounded by cape crusaders.


Kaycee said…
what a great post! I wish I was there!
Jessiedc28 said…
DROP THE LSD AND STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER! I'm concerned about this post and think you should re-evaluate your social circle. I move away and you take up with a freak show!

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