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Rest in Peace

This morning, or last night, my hamster, Hammy, died. The sad thing is that he looks so peaceful all curled up and laying in his cage, and I know I have to take him out and he'll be all rigor mortis and crap! I bought this hamster with an ex-boyfriend. It was like some big adventure of the day, and the whole thing is a little sad. Gabby seems to be taking it well. I feel bad that he died all alone in his cold cage.

I thought I wouldn't be able to see this new guy JC for a couple of weeks because of Gabby being home, but I saw him yesterday, and I'm seeing him again today. That's one good thing about being sick (hope it's not strep throat), I can call in and then go hang out with him. Well, I went to work for a little while today, but I'm just too sick to stay there. I'm all excited and stuff. I have those little junior high school butterflies in my stomach. I can't wait to see his blue eyes, and his adorable smile, and his cute laugh...Yuck! Does this sound ridiculously sappy or what???

This is what our compatibility test said about us...I know, it's silly, but I'm kind of into it, and so is he, and we're both Cancers, and it's just so weird to talk to someone who is just like me. We can't even play mind games, word games, or question games with each other (like Cancers are prone to do)...we always know that the other one is doing it, and can't get away with it. It's kind of comforting. Anyways, here's what the thing said:

Your relationship is intense and complex. You engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as Elizabeth, in particular, may be tempted to manipulate and control JC. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill.

The two of you really enjoy each other's company! JC has a great deal of confidence in Elizabeth and is able to see Elizabeth's best qualities. You are very encouraging and supportive of each other, helping each other to be more confident, open new doors, and advance and grow in both inner and outer ways. This positive note of good will and harmony is also invaluable in helping the two of you overcome differences in temperament and other stressful aspects of your relationship discussed elsewhere in this report.


Kaycee said…
Poor hampster. Are you going to bury him? Have a little funeral? We did when G2 died and it helped the boys. They made their own headstone and everything. (The dogs later dug him up and I tossed him in the trash, but we won't tell them that). Are you going to get another hampster? Or progress to something bigger?
Jessiedc28 said…
I buried my hamster that died of "wet tail" back in 1999 under a tree. I dug the hole with a dirty fork. It was a few days after he'd been put to sleep with a gas mask. I forgot him in the glove compartment of my car though at first. Luckily I remembered before he started to stink. It was one of the first pets Eric ever gave me.....
There's this song they play on Radio Disney AM 1160 - The Hamster Dance. I'm sure you could download it or something off the Disney came on in the car tonight, and Gabby and I sang really loud in Hammy's memory.
Jessiedc28 said…
My God.

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