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Please Do Not Be Alarmed, Jessie

Jess seems to think that I've taken up an LSD habit, but in all actuality I've just met a great, kooky, strange, awesome group of people that make me feel like I'm in a dream the whole time I'm with them.

Saturday night was a complete debauchery . . . not on my part. Mi-Mi and I took one car to our friend Eric's party, and I didn't realize that we would be staying there the entire night until 230 am. I was missing O-B One pretty badly. Eric got so wasted and proceeded to lick everyone . . . EVERYONE, including the other guys that were there. My forehead and cheek was absolutely disgusting. We finally left and went over to O-B One's and Velma's apartment. The short, high, cute guy was passed out on the couch, and Mi-Mi told the story of our night to everyone else. I've never laughed so hard in my laugh. Mi-Mi should become a stand-up comedian.

O-B One and I woke up on Sunday afternoon, and he waved his hand, using the Force, and said, "You will spend the day with me . . . OH, and I have to go get my hair did today." We went to lunch with the high, short, cute guy who kept teasing O-B One about getting his hair highlighted. Wasn't sure how I felt when O-B One told the short, cute, high guy that I was really a man, and hung like a bear. It prompted high, short, cute guy to say, "So that must make you a distressed 12-year old camper." Which almost made me pee my pants with laughter. We went to the mall, and O-B One got his hair done. Chopped off, with blonde highlights, and he looked all cute and stuff, but it made him look like a different person. It will take me a few days to get used to it I think. Mi-Mi told me he goes from "clean" to "shaggy" in 2.4 days anyway.

Last night O-B One and I met up with Spiderman and his girlfriend, who brought two of her friends. They don't work at the same place, but they might as well be known as the Barbie's. They are exactly the kind of girls that make me feel inferior, and just plain sick. I was much happier once Mi-Mi showed up and we could talk about poop instead of who has a pair of Gucci glasses. But eventually they left, and O-B One, Velma, Mi-Mi, Mr. Incredible, and I proceeded to drink the shit out of Bloody Mary's. At the end of the night, Mr. Incredible was worried about driving home, so he had me take a surrogate shot for him with some of his other friends . . . interesting.

Went back to O-B One's and had the conversation where he actually in a very sweet way told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend. I almost peed myself again. I told him, yes, I want to be his girlfriend. He said he got sick of introducing me as just Elizabeth that night, and wanted to introduce me as his girlfriend Elizabeth. It's so sick and sweet and sappy, I know. I don't know what I'm doing, but it feels really good right now. Maybe too good. It has been seriously years and years since I have actually had a REAL boyfriend, someone that I actually call my boyfriend. It's so junior high, and I love it.

Home now, and going out to dinner with Josh. I need to catch up with him. He took a road trip this weekend to help a friend move, and I've missed him like crazy. I think now he's going to have to eventually meet the cape crusaders and O-B One (O-B One is actually JC in case it wasn't obvious) Not sure how he''ll like them, but I think he will. I don't know what I'm doing with the AOC either. I will meet him if he still wants to once he's home. I'm not ready to kick myself a few months from now if I don't.

I'm feeling like Mi-Mi might be a little upset with me since she's the one who introduced me to O-B One, and she went to lunch today with Velma who is O-B One's roommate. I'm a little nervous that they are discussing my intrusion into their little world.

Things to Note:

1. Velma can drink you under the table.
2. Bloody Mary's are good for about 2 seconds.
3. O-B One hates ketchup.
4. Surrogate shots are fun.
5. Giving into your inner child and acting like you're in junior high again can be very stress relieving.
6. Spiderman needs to ditch Barbie and find a Mary Jane.


Jessiedc28 said…
Uh huh uh huh and they serve three legged chickens with no heads at KFC......
Jammie J. said…
What the ... are you turning into a comic book?
J - it kind of feels that way. Just a side thought - if you notice most girls in comic books have red hair, or at least all the really cool ones do.

Jessie - can you please tell your boyfriend that chickens don't puke anyway!

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