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Showing posts from May, 2005
Home At Last . . . Damn! I will be spending the night in my own house tonight for the first time all weekend. This Memorial Day weekend will go down in my book as one of the greatest EVER! Except now I'm sick. Too much drinking, not enough food or water . . . oh, and I met a really cute boy that I like a WHOLE lot. He's a Cancer just like me, and it really is kind of scary how much he IS pretty much . . . me! This is the same guy from the last post , and the post about me being forced to take shots - JC. I don't know where this is going, and I probably really shouldn't be posting about this, but I can't help myself. I am cheesy grinning all over the place. And I've hung out with some of the coolest, most awesome people I have ever met in my life! Went to some bars downtown here on the Riverwalk last night. All these people I've met are so friendly, and just like very welcoming, even though I felt like I was intruding a little. My friend Andrea is really the
Is it too late to take a nap? It's 1145 am. I just got home. I haven't slept yet. I just finished eating a bagel and drinking a Diet Coke. I'm not sure if I should try to get in some sleep, and then get up and clean, or if I should just get on with the cleaning and pass out later. I'm not really sleepy right now. I just hae that delirious-my-mind-is-moving-very-slow feeling. What an absolutely amazing night I had! I went out with my friend Andrea from the BullBlaster night ( Sunday Morning Hungover Hat Fun post ). We went to this place Sam's Burger Joint and watched some local bands. And then Andrea went home, and I spent the rest of the night with some of her friend's at their apartment. Remember the guy with the chipped tooth from that same post? He is killer awesome . . . . I mean fucing awesome . . . . and cute . . . . and amazing . . . . and I'm wondering if I'm just feeling really lonely and ready to latch onto the first person that's been unbe
I just want to sit here in silence and eat my biscuit I had big plans today. I went to work as usual, and then left early for an appointment with my massage therapist. I injured my shoulder a little over a year ago, and every time it starts to get better, I have to go back to work, and it slowly starts to be re-injured. I guess it’s not so much an “injury” as it is a hazard from my job . . . repetitive motion . . . so, these massages that I get aren’t exactly relaxing . . . my back and chest will probably be black and blue tomorrow. I then went to look for this CD that I want by a guy named Toothpick. I really want it . . . couldn’t find . . . bought System of a Down instead. I’m not really big on buying CD’s since it is so easy to just download, but if I really really like something, I’ll buy it. Next, my plans were to go to the gym, tan, go to the grocery store, take Gabby to Karate, but . . . none of that happened. It started to rain (suppose to rain until Sunday), and the only thin
I NEED a new car, and this is the one I WANT! 2005 Mustang GT I really need to actually try to get back into my workout mode, and have finally "started" on my other blog, My Diet Cliche .
Gabrielle a.k.a. Bathing Beauty
a.k.a. Gummy Sue
One More Thing This Morning . . . I walked out the door to take the trash out, and this is what I saw in my parking lot. Believe it or not this is the second time this has happened in the last month . . . You think it's just drunk people on a Saturday night that forget to put the car in park? What the . . . ?
Scrub -A-Dub-Dub There were plenty of reasons why I stopped watching very much television. Ok, well, I've always continued to watch cable, but I had pretty much stopped watching regularly run TV shows on the networks. One reason being that I just didn't think any sitcom was funny, and I don't always have time to get dragged into heavier serious shows. I have been meaning to catch up with NBC's Scrubs, but I'm many seasons behind, and I always have class on the night it airs. Josh bought the first season DVD set, and we sat down to watch it yesterday. I have never, ever laughed that many times through a show in my life . . . out loud . . . and I cried, too. THAT'S a great show! I'm more of a silent laugher when it comes to watching something, especially if I'm by myself, so the fact that this show made me laugh that hard out loud means that I will now call it the greatest show EVER!!! Scrubs
Even funnier to me is how this guy's (Dr. Cox) character reminds me way too much of myself. Dr. Cox
Scrubs also made me think about what kind of guys I've dated and been attracted to (Surprise, Surprise!). For most of my life I've dated and been attracted to this kind of guy (Chris Cornell, and as I sit here posting this, Gabby saw this picture and said, "Is that Daddy?") These kind of men are sexy, hot, bad, make me feel very safe and secure, but they're just not good for me. However, I still do a double-take when one of these "long-hairs" walks by. Chris Cornell
I've always felt attracted to this kind of man (Richard Gere) . . . the older, sophisticated, worldy, distinguished, sexy kind of guy. But I find these kinds of guys intimidating, out of my league, they make me feel insecure. Richard Gere And the perfect example is the AOC. I like him so much, and am so god-awfully attracted to him, but all I can do is question if he likes me or not. He could be in front of me every second of everyday, and I would probably constantly wonder why the hell he wants anything to do with me.
I have yet to find a man like this (Clive Owen), but this . . . this would intimidate the hell out of me! Clive Owen The mix between the long-hair personality, bad boy and the distinguished older guy.
I think, now, I would love to find a man like this (Zach Braff). Goofy, funny, dorky, a little girly. But, so cute it makes me sick! The kind of guy who doesn't intimidate you, but doesn't embarrass you either. A nice, normal guy who can make me laugh, and most definitely not make me feel insecure! Zach Braff This whole post has just made me realize that there are too many different kinds of men (people) in the world, and "types" just don't work. I should be less picky and think a lot less about this kind of crappy stuff. And, I also realize that I just want the AOC right now, anyway. UNLESS . . . Zach Braff decides he'd like some single-mom in Texas.
Sunday Morning Hungover Hat Fun Saturday night I went out with some friends from school, two of whom had graduated the night before. We started out at this hole in the wall the Pressure Cooker. It was karaoke night, and we got out of there fast, and headed over to another hole in the wall, Winston's. I kind of liked this hole in the wall. We met up with some friends of my friends. I was immediately attacked as I walked through the door by the friends wanting me to take shots with them. I declined as I was trying to not stumble home. Eventually I was convinced though. My friend Andrea had a conversation with her friend JC: Andrea: She really needs a shot JC: She really does Andrea: But not Goldschlogger JC: Nope, no Goldschlogger Andrea: I think she needs a BullBlaster JC: Yep, she really does Me: Do I really WANT a BullBlaster? Andrea & JC: You're getting one anyways I'd never had a BullBlaster, wasn't sure what it was . . . I knew it was something mixed with Red Bu
More Hungover Hat Fun
Adventures in Postal-sitting I fell asleep early, around 930 or so, and now, here I sit at 2am. I have been rudely awakened by the "hamster that wouldn't die". He hasn't made noise for weeks, and now he's back with a vengence. He's found something to chew on non-stop and drive me absolutely insane . . . I must be insane if it's making me blog at 2 in the morning. I'm really wishing I had taken Min Pin Momma's advice and given him some vodka ! Not really, but he won't SHUT THE HELL UP! I have to be up for work in 3 hours . . . I was thinking . . . hoping I might get more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep for the first time in months!!! I even got up and gave him his favorite treats, he hid them, and continued with the god-awful knawing! While I'm at it . . . I hate going to the post office to mail packages. Poor Jessica gets birthday gifts, etc. months later. I've never been to the post office when there isn't a line wrapped around the corn
Everything is Falling Down Right Before My Very Eyes It's true. I have been so busy with work, school, and Gabby, and completely obsessed with the AOC, that I have let everything including myself go! I think it started with the day I was at work, holding my cell phone in my hand, and I went to move my hair out of my face with the cell phone hand, the antenna got caught in hair, and went flying across the room. I'm pretty sure it was broken before, I can't believe I had that much hairspray in that day! I just stick the antenna back in, but it keeps falling off, and I have to search for it. My dad's solution was superglue, which I still say is a weird thing that a typical dad says, and I'm not trying it! The next thing was my computer desk. It's huge and extremely heavy, and a little inconvinent for modern technology, but great for writing research papers and spreading yourself out. I had to move my desk away from the wall on one side so I could use my jumpdrive .
How many blogs does one girl need??? Apparently I need 2. 1. Que? - "regular" life? . . . this blog, right here . . . 2. My Diet Cliche - in-depth "it speaks for itself" Does this mean I've become a fanatic?
I wish I could buy a new comforter for every week of the year!!! My new duvet cover, and sheet set . . . My comforters are usually dominated by the color blue to go with the my favorite painting in the whole world that's on the wall - Irises by Van Gogh, but this one just caught my eye because it was all bright and summery and shit. I have my first of three finals today . . . Spatial Analysis . . . if you happen to think of me by 1030am CST . . . say a great big prayer to the monkey gods, light a candle, or do whatever it is that you do!!!
Blog Space sounds a lot like Brow Space Jeanette posted a blog a while back about wanting to know what people's "blogging" space looked like, and I said I would post a pic. But I never got around to it...So, here it is...the place where I blog and waste lots of time!