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Showing posts from March, 2005
"Home, home on the range . . . " Home from work again. I have a huge project due tomorrow that, of course, I've been procrastinating on. It's funny, I've been taking days off from work to catch up with school, and then I take days off from school because I'm so freakin' TIRED! From what? I'm not sure. I've just been wanting to sleep all day. Then I take a nap, can't sleep at night, stay up late playing Space Colony, and then I'm screwed the next day because I need another nap. I started off in good form this morning though. Got up, took Gabby to school, went and did cardio on an empty stomach (I read recently that you can trick your body into burning more fat if you work out on an empty stomach, but whatever I read didn't say how to remedy feelings of passing out from being hypoglycemic!), and now I've caught up on blog reading. Next goal is to stay motivated and not nap. I need to clean my car out, take out all the trash, and clean
Crappy Day I have been having the worst day, no the worst week, no the worst month . . . I'm sure you get it. I don't know what's going on with me, but I need to figure it out. I'm feeling much better though. I just got off the phone with Jess. Everyone should send her a nice little note. I was talking to her on the phone right as she was entering into her dog sitting duties . I could hear the dogs barking on the phone before she even entered the house. I felt so bad for her. She seemed really flustered as she entered the house saying, "Shhhh, get down . . . Um, I gotta call you back . . . !" I felt really bad for her, but I stilled laughed my ass off!!!
Ray Ray the Savior I truly loved my origianl trainer, Aaron the Beast. He was gorgeous, extremely knowledgeable, and we had a good trainer/trainee relationship, but he could be kind of moody. In a way he was a typical jock, early twenties "punk". Then I got stuck with John Michael the Wimp who I absolutley hated (you can find all this information in previous posts). I realized that I haven't been writing about going to the gym at all lately. I think it's because I truly LOVE my new trainer Ray Ray. He's so freakin' awesome. He's so much fun, so much help, and he's very motivational. He actually makes me want to do better, not only at the gym, but in my whole life. I know that sounds strange. Get a really good trainer like him and maybe you'll understand. He gives me these workouts where I'm throwing a ball around and it feels kind of easy (he does kill me from time to time), but I've been questioning how hard it is that he's actually wo
"Moody Monday" I seem to be getting lazier and lazier and more and more unmotivated . . . To do ANYTHING!! Too much on my mind? Too many things to do? Who knows . . . but it's getting on my nerves that I don't have the will power to do a dang gone thing! Yesterday as I was driving to pick up Gabby from her dad's house I looked to my right towards where the passenger sideview mirror should be to change lanes and . . . um, it wasn't there, or at least it was just hanging there!!! DAMN IT!!! Some freakin' idiot hit my mirror, bumped by my mirror, or purposely knocked it off!!! I can't believe how inconsiderate people are of other people's property!!! It is completely cracked all around the plastic and sadly hanging on by the little wires that control the mirror! My first car didn't have a passenger side mirror (1976 Datsun 280Z), I never thought that I used that mirror, but now all I do is look over at it and feel very freakin' PISSED off!!! T
The Emporer's New Groove I started blogging back in July, and I'm still not sure that I have found my groove, and I used to kind of worry and think about it a lot because I'm just neurotic like that, but the bottom line is that I like doing, right? And it doesn't matter what other people think, if they read (although that's a plus, and makes my day), and if I have no clue what I'm rambling about half the time. Jessica got Gabby the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for her birthday. I might be stealing it and watching it a lot when Gabby's not here though. Too bad I'm not back in high school, when getting high or doing acid or something, and then sitting down to watch this movie would be so much fun. Now, I think I will make a cup of hot tea with milk and sugar and curl up in my bed. How things have changed!!!
All Mighty Mouth This is what my daughter turning seven has brought me. Her mouth and the attitude that comes out of it has been driving me insane! I realize she's just trying to test me and all situations around her, but some this has got to stop! On her birthday she was opening her presents and not being very excited. She seemed almost bored. She opened up her Sponge Bob movie and just kind of looked at it. I asked her if she was having fun and if she liked her presents. She responded first with a huge SIGH! And I was thinking, "You ungrateful spoiled little child!" But at the end of her sigh and after a pause she said, "You are the most awesome Mom ever!!!" Which then of course led me to crying on the spot! I have the most awesome KID EVER!!! My weekends without Gabby seem like nothing short of complete debauchery. I need to find something else that will occupy my time and make me happy. Staying out all night, drinking, being around people I don&#
Happy Birthday, Gabby! Today is my daughter's birthday. She will officially be 7-years old at 3:42 pm. I got out of work early today (surprise surprise) so I could run around picking up more presents, cake, etc. Nothing has gone as planned. I stayed too long in Target, but got lots of cool stuff for her. I saw this keyboard, and thought, "Gabby would LOVE that!", and then instantaneously I thought, "My EARS!!!" But, it's her day, and I can't wait to see her bright brown eyes light up, so I bought it anyways. I went to the grocery store to pick up a cake and a bouquet of balloons. Somehow I forgot about the balloons, and on my way home, I had to make an emergency stop, at the stop light, before I sailed through an intersection of traffic, I forgot all about the cake, and the stupid thing went flying onto the passenger floor!!! Remarkably it's still in relatively good shape - just smushed up against the packaging on one side, and missing frosting from
The Very Expensive, All Day Affair My new glasses. I'm not sure I like the little silver things at the corners, but I'm getting used to them.
My new sunglasses. Shut up, Jess!!! I know they're not much different from my old ones!!! 
IPEX Have you heard of this IPEX thing from Victoria's Secret. It's being billed as "the world's most advanced bra". Could someone tell me please what exactly the most advanced bra should do?? I just don't get it, and I think it's really funny to think about little men in white coats trying to figure out how to get the world's most advanced bra. I had a massage done last night with my "New Age" massage therapist. I feel so much better. My shoulders aren't as tense, but she doesn't give nice little relaxing massages. She basically beats the shit out of you. I'm sure if I looked at my back in the mirror it would be completely bruised. I just got home from spending a fortune and 2 hours getting new glasses, but I desperately need them. The price of glasses is ridiculous. Of course, I guess I didn't really need to get the Anne Klein frames. I can't wait to go pick them up. I'll try to post pictures.
Did you know the Tooth Fairy is a drunken, partying whore? A few weeks before Christmas I took Gabby to the dentist who informed us that about 6 of her teeth were loose at the same time. I told Gabby that she was absolutely not allowed to wiggle them until after Christmas so she wouldn't have a big gaping hole in her mouth for her Christmas pictures. It's been what? two months since then. The teeth have started to fall out. The first one fell out in the middle of the week. It was one of her bottom canines. She woke up in the morning and showed me the hole. But, um, we couldn't find the tooth. We still haven't found the tooth. I'm pretty sure she swallowed it. That can't be good for her. I was surprised that this particular tooth fell out first since one of her top incisors was hanging on by a thread for a week! Even the Bagel Lady knew about this tooth. Every morning she would question Gabby on whether or not she still had her tooth. We were scheduled to go shop
If Your Friends Jumped Off a Bridge Would You? Home from work. Bored. Not sure what to blog about. Too much to say, and nothing to say at the same time. I feel like being a follower today. A- Age: 27 B- Best friend: Jessie and Josh C- Crush: a man I like to call the AOC D- Dad's name: Wes E- Easiest person to talk to: My sister and Josh F- Favorite band at the moment: Damien Rice G- Gummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy WORMS H- Hometown: San Antonio, TX I- Instrument: I can play the recorder!!! J- Jam or Jelly?: Both K- Kids: just 1, I hope. L- Longest car ride ever: San Antonio to Gruene, TX. It's only about 45 minutes, but Josh was with me. Need I say more? M- Mom's name: Mary N- Number of siblings: 1 - older sister O- One wish: find the missing link P- Phobia[s]: frogs, frogs, and um, frogs. Q- favorite quote: "There's no such thing as love. There's only proof of love". R- Reason to smile: thin days S- Song you sang last: Stand By Me T - Tacos or t
Go To Bed! Up late again, when I need to be sleeping. My mind is just too awake, even though my body is screaming for dreamland. My weekend highlights: 1. Sunday morning breakfast with Josh at La Madeleine - strong French roast coffee and a potato gallete 2. A waiter dressed like Jack Sparrow and engaged to Daphne from Scooby Doo, who was the other waiter! HOT HOT HOT!!! 3. Email from the AOC. Surprise, Surprise. I broke down and bought a pair of capris at Old Navy. Ok, Josh bought them for me. Thank you Josh!!! I also bought two new DVDs. The Criterion Collection of My Own Private Idaho and Bertolucci's The Dreamers. Talk about a nude fest! Oh yea! Josh also used his Best Buy $10 gift card to buy me the Damien Rice CD of B-Sides. Thank you, again, Josh!!! You made my weekend so much better, and I know that I was absolutely mean and rude, and horrible to you every minute that I spent with you! I was in such a bad mood, but you definitely helped me feel a little better! After this
Stay Away! Things I need to learn to just say no to: 1. Not the whole blog. I just need to stop reading the monthly newsletters to her daughter. I'm on my tenth keyboard from crying so hard and dripping all over the space bar! 2. Bagels! 3. Bagels! 4. Boys who do not treat me like the princess I am. Josh has seriously spoiled me! 5. My bed in the middle of the day. 6. Movies like the Color Purple . They turn me into a huge ball of mush that never wants to leave my bed again. Especially if followed up by Forest Gump . 7. Men who shave their entire bodies. What am I thinking? (But, GOD, he's hot!) 8. Pink purses! 9. The chocolate jar at work. 10. My mother's kitchen. Her house should be called the House of Regression. Everytime I'm there I resort back to "fat girl eating mode". I will look in that refridgerator 100 times before I finally have to announce to my parents that they make me fat and I'm taking my still &
"Just a little patience . . . " I took tomorow off from work, so why is that I'm staying up until 1130 pm trying to catch up on my bloggy friends reading??? That's what tomorrow morning with my first bagel and coffee of the week is for! I am thrilled! It will probably take me an hour, but it helps me procrastinate on cleaning my apartment.
Tricksy Blog Theif I got a new thing to try from a commenter on my blog. You can see the rules here . I stole it because I am a tricksy blog theif just like some other cute brunette I "know" . . . *wink wink*. 1. Pick up the CLOSEST book. 2. Go to page 123. 3. Find the 5th sentence. 4. Write down the following text from the next 3 sentences. This is from The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. "Now Wang Lung had never in his youth or at any time learned the meaning of letters upon paper, and he could not, therefore, make anythig out of such paper covered with black marks and pasted upon city gates or upon walls or sold by the handful or even given away. Twice had he had such paper given him. The first time it was given by a foreigner such as the one he had pulled unwittingly in his ricksha one day, only this one who gave him the paper was a man, very tall, and lean as a tree that has been blown by bitter winds." Whew! This author is quite wordy! No wonder this b
Shopping Sprees & Toothpaste Capris We’re running out of work at my job, so the people at the top have decided to give us “liberal leave”, which basically just means they don’t give a flying nun if we take a day off. I am the Queen of Leaving Early anyways, so you bet I am taking full advantage of this gift sent from “above”. Tuesday I didn’t leave early, but I skipped my Spatial Analysis class because I had a good tip from a friend at work that Banana Republic had some really cute, reasonable capris. I drove straight there! She was right!!! Cute, cute, and cuter!!! I was in the dressing room admiring just how cute they really were, and how amazing it was that they actually gave my butt a little bit of a “shelf look”, when the price tag came swinging into view in the mirror. I could tell, even without my glasses on, that the price was nowhere near $19.99. I cursed my friend’s name a billion and one times. $74.00 . . . Let me repeat . . . $74.00!!! I hung them up very nicely, and to