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I Am Such A Flake

T came on really strong in the beginning. Strong enough that he made me realize that I was maybe coming on too strong with the AOC, and needed to back off. But now, I haven't heard from T since Monday, and that was only because I called him. It's driving me nuts. It wouldn't be such a big deal except that he was calling and text messaging all the time, and now?...nothing! Ugh!!! Yes, guys, this is the way that women think . . . ok, well, maybe only the neurotic ones like me. Now I'm in that mode of "do I call or not call?", and "who can hold out the longest". I really hate playing games. I wish people would just come out and say what it is they're thinking ALL THE TIME!!!

I worked out with Ray Ray today. He made a deal with me. If I don't show up on Tuesdays and Thursdays to do cardio, then he can make me do anything he wants on Wednesdays or Fridays. I'm not sure I should have made this deal. It will definitely make me go though. He tortures me during regular sessions. I can only imagine what he would do if I broke the deal.


Jammie J. said…
I think you should just throw yourself into bloggyland and be done with real life. Except for your daughter, that is. But give the remaining part of yourself to us.

But that's just me.
Jeanette - tell me how to sign up for full-time bloggyland - I'm there!!! Is there some kind of ritual hazing or something??
Jammie J. said…
It's all about growing your roll, girl. Growing your roll. Live and breathe to grow your roll.
I'm a little confused, but when I get some extra time, I will check it out a little closer.
Anonymous said…
Actually, I just kinda found my self here by hitting next until I found an english speaking blog.

Ok, that is out the way. I'm not being harsh but maybe hes just not that into you. Lots of time I have found that a girl that I went out on a date with just wanted to be friends (I really hated that line)

I just decided to ask at at the end of the date. Do you want to see me again in this fashion? I got a few shocked looks but then I explained that I just didn't want to hang out and be the stupid guy.
You would have been shocked at the response why, do you like me?

I learned as long as I kept my distance and didn't act like a cared got phone calls back and second and third dates. Honestly, I just stopped being nice altogether. (I hated that, I hated the game)

Maybe, hes playing the game, are you?

Sincerely, Jason

PS. I really do like your blog.
Hey Jason, it's always nice to see new "faces" out there!

I hope I'm not playing games. I don't like playing games. I just am who I am, ya know? He's the one who wanted to get serious after only 4 dates over a course of two weeks. I just want to have fun and see what happens!

It's possible he's just not that into me, but he most certainly was in the beginning. Oh well! C'est la vie! That's my life and my luck!
Jessiedc28 said…
I say you just tell him what you just told us. Be honest with him.
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