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Does Anyone but Jessica and My Sister Actually Read This??

It's been almost a week since I last posted. I am bored, I guess. I said in my last post that I would write more about my weekend with Jess in DC, but, really, she did a much better job of summing it. So, just go here to read more.

It's 2 am, and I had a really amazing time tonight. After having another disappointing rendevous with the AOC, I've been, well . . . disappointed. In the mean time, I went on a couple of short coffee dates with someone we'll call "T". T is not my type at all. We don't even really have that much in common, and this time, he's younger than me. Tonight we had our first official date. We went to dinner, and then came back to my place and hung out. Don't get any ideas!!! It was quite innocent, and very different from what I'm used to. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. So, now that I've gone on a couple of dates with T . . . I just think he could possibly be the kind of guy to get way too easily attached. And that's a little scary. I definitely don't need another psychotic man in my life. I'm done with those. I can tell already that T isn't someone that I'm going to end up with at all . . . and I still just really really want the opportunity to meet the AOC . . . to see what could possibly happen!

This week was long. Long hours at work and, ok, maybe that's a lie. I skipped school a lot this week. I've had a hard time getting into it this semester. Not much different from last semester actually. I think it's just probably senioritis. I am trying to get more involved with the Geography Society at school, and that's been good. We had a fund raiser last week, and raised $1000 for the Tsunami victims.

I've had a couple of glasses of wine, and I don't think I'm making much sense. Is anybody out there? Josh has dumped me tonight because some girl that he doesn't like and that he's not even going to sleep with conned him into spending the night at his apartment, and he thinks it's rude to talk to me!!! What!!! He needs to get his ass on the phone and discuss my lovely evening!!!


Anonymous said…
I read your blog...Keep on blogging there are peeps out there that do read it;)
Carolyn said…
I only read it so I can tell Mom all the bad stuff you're up to! (Just kidding!)
qory said…
yes, yes... keep writing. I read it. sounds like you're gonna have an interesting V-day;)
Trying to find the time to write is my biggest problem right now, and the fact that I feel so boring sometimes!

Carolyn - What bad stuff???

Cory - I'm kind of hoping that V-day will pass by without a notice this year!!!
Kaycee said…
LIzzy! I READ YOUR BLOG!!! I was so worried when you weren't blogging. Jessica and I had an email conference on how horrible it is that you didn't blog. But now you are back up to speed. What is with the AOC guy? What an ass! I say have fun with T and don't give AOC much thought, unless he has finite plans to come see you and soon! This is rediculous!
Jessiedc28 said…
Of course you know I read your blog. Sorry you were feeling lonely and unvalidated. Are you going to start your period again? Tell me the truth. Is this sappiness hormonal?
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