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Time to Share?

I have a huge crush. I have a huge crush on a man I've never met in person. I have a huge crush on a man who does things that are very cool. Yesterday in the mail I got the book that he sent me...the book that he wrote...a book about all of his travels and adventures. The more I read this book, the less confident I start to feel about this being a possible "match". I have no idea what I can offer this older, more sophisticated, more worldly man. The biggest adventures in my life are grappling with 18-year old freshmen for a parking space at school, finishing a set of push-ups and pull-ups at the gym, or wrestling my daughter to the ground for a bath. Maybe I can teach him all about Sponge-Bob Square Pants?

This is again one of those times where things seem too good to be true. The emails we send back and forth would suggest that there is a great interest and curiosity on both sides, and that something really good could possibly come from this!!! His emails definitely suggest that he does like least as much as you can like someone without meeting them in person. But my little brain, that has lots of issues is wanting to run in the other direction so fast...


will you stop!? you have no idea how he feels, and thanks for, as always, putting in you two cents. missed the point I think.
Jammie J. said…
I always call it "square pants sponge bob." i can never get it right. little kids always correct me, and i always continue to get it wrong. then they just think i'm being funny. but i'm not. i really can't get it.

how did you "meet" your book writing, traveling, adventurous, old, sophisticated, worldly, e-mailing "man"? how do you know he's a man? just curious.
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Jammie J. said…
My brother has had a friendship with a girl in Kansas for almost three years now. They've never met. They talk about meeting. But they don't. My cousin met someone online about three years ago (through eharmony). They met, got married and now, a couple months ago, have their first baby. They say they've never been happier or met anyone more compatible. I think it depends solely on the players.

At least you recognize it as a crush, for now. But, remember, you'll never know unless you meet. And, after you meet you can always say goodbye. No big deal.
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Jammie J. said…
No, not whiny, just a bit insecure. But just think that perhaps he feels the same way about you. You could always test him (or maybe you already have done this), tell him how nervous and anxious you are about this.

When I first got together with Tony, I told him everything about how I was feeling, nervous, anxious, scared, babyish, everything. Turned out, he often was feeling the same way. And he waited for me. Now, I'm glad I did because with everything that I have gone through in the two years that we've been together, I've needed his unwavering support.
Jammie J. said…
Oh, and I KNOW you know this, but if he can't handle your feelings from the real you and backs out, better now than in the future, when your feelings come out. Also, if you don't meet him, you'll never know if he likes you in person. In order to like someone you have to be vulnerable to them. A risk, to be sure, but well worth it.
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Yeah, the risking it part is the scariest...i haven't really put myself out there in a long time...i've been very "unemotional" and very numb for the last couple of years.

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