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Last night there was a costume party (aka Halloween Party...but some people don't celebrate Halloween? hence just being called a costume party) for the Union stewards at work...I'm not a steward, and I only just became a memeber of the Union on my last day of work in June...and only became a memeber because there were a lot of "things" going on at work, and I didn't want to be easily fired...however, the party was at a good friend from work's house, so I got an invite...I think they just really needed an extra kid...the party was kicked off by us watching the little girls, including Gabby, do a project...the project was to get this guy from work into his costume...they did his make-up...he was such a good sport about it and it was hilarious!!! Then followed up by lots of Malibu on ice.

I threw together a cat outfit, by the way, for the party...I'll have to post the pics...kind of funny.

Tonight I will be out amongst all the other parents walking their kids from door to door. Gabby is going as Esmerelda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame...maybe I'll throw the kitty cat ears back on...I'm going to start a new fashion statement...kitty ears and false eyelashes everyday at!!!


Jammie J. said…
*banging silverware loudly* PICTURES! PICTURES! BRING ON THE PICTURES!!
I can'wait to see them either...I'm still stuck in the 20th century though, and am waiting until next weekend to develop my film, but I'm gonna get them put on CD...*banging silverware loudly* as well..."I NEED a digital camera"!!!!!!!
Jessiedc28 said…
A gorgeous red head in kitty ears...sounds sexual. I like it! Love you.
Jammie J. said…
Yes, I agree with Jessie. Definitely a "sexy" thang going on.

Woman? You don't have a digital camera? I'm not sure I can continue to visit here knowing that. You can get little dinky digital ones for, like, $20 at Walmart. Go! *continuing to bang silverware* Go get a cheap digital camera!! You have a child, for chrissakes, don't you? ... you must record digitally all the cute things, right???
sniff, sniff...i know!! :( I will be working on it. I am a student though, so 20 bucks to me is like a million dollars.
Jammie J. said…
Where is your wishlist, woman? Where? That's the best way to get free things.

Better yet, just email me your mailing address. I have like three dorky digital cameras that I never use anymore. They're cheap and easy. With no preview screen on the back. But they're digital!
Jammie J. said…
Yeah, really ... what operating system do you run? The reason I ask is because XP will recognize it and install the appropriate drivers. I don't have any drivers for it anymore.

It's a little Aiptek pen cam ... like this.
LINK ........

The pictures it turns out (especially with low light) aren't that great, but it's better than nothing ... ???? me, I wouldn't be complaining!!...that would be so awesome!!! thank you thank you thank you!

So, tell me how to get in touch with you, or how to find it or whatever. I think my email address is in Cory's guestbook somewhere.

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