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Happy Freakin' New Year

Written January 1, 2021, when I tried to start a Wordpress blog, but failed because I'm old and it's too complicated.

2020 and I had a love/hate relationship. I hated seeing what was happening to others and the world. I dealt with my fair share of struggles, but mostly, I think I was the closest to contentment that I've ever been.

1. I LOVED working from home

MOMO working from home

2. I felt closer to my family

3. I didn't mind the slower pace and less to do

4. I was able to have a better work/life balance

5. I felt more productive at home and at work

6. I did a couple of home projects - helped my parents landscape my front yard, gave my bedroom a makeover with my sister, and reorganized my pantry with her



Pantry Makeover

Bedroom Makeover

7. I spent the best summer with my son and dogs at my sister'shouse - laughing, crying, painting rocks, getting to know my fur nieces and nephews (Wall-E, Maggie, Leeloo, and funny, little, Peyton who we lost in 2020 🙁 )

8. I saw the most amazing clouds, sunsets, and sunrises

9. Took time for self care - self-help books and worksheets, an amazing therapist, exercising, and being kind to myself

10. I found a love of walking and being outdoors - walked up to 15 miles some weeks... used my work breaks and lunches to walk... mid summer I started taking a prescribed weightloss medication - lost 40lbs, but starting walking and throwing up > the meds combined with 100+ degree days slowed me down a bit

11. I made social distancing road trips to South Padre Island four times - Lived in TX all my life, but never made it to South Padre until February 2020.  Fell in love... feels like the home I never know I needed.

12. Took my first solo vacation

13. Bonded with my 6-year old pup, Beyla

14. Adopted my pandemic puppy, Marsali, from the Humane Society

15. Found greater mental peace

16. Started to train with my sister for running a 5k - puked a lot with my big sister laughing, making commentary, and helping me... pushing and loving me

17. Walked/Ran a 5k

18. Started to work on my marriage... believed my husband when he said he wanted to... planned a family vacation, only for him to back out the day before, on my birthday, and say he didn't want to be married

19. Found a way to keep going as my estranged husband continued to come and go and not make sense

20. Read a book my therapist recommended that has changed my life and will definitely affect what I choose to do in my relationships for 2021... Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

22. Voted

23. Continued meal prepping

Acai Bowls

Quick Breakfast

Quick Lunch

Taco Bowls

Mr. Yoshida Ground Pork Bowl

My gratitude has grown exponentially!! I was mostly lucky to have a great employer and great school for my son because a lot of those other things would not have been possible if I wasn't working from home or had help. Hoping 2021 brings good things to all, but I'm also super sad that some of these changes may have to end. Fingers crossed and lots of hope.

 Now... time to plan how I can work from home forever and live at the beach.

*11/13/2021 Update - Return to Office is beginning.  So depressed about it.  Such a a waste and loss for those of us that have found a life/work balance that is healthy and efficient and productive for EVERYONE, including the company I work for that said 2021 was our best year, yet, earnings wise.  Hmmm... we did that working from home?? ;)


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