This is the difference between my life as a mom and my moonlighting as a single gal on the weekends my daughter goes to her dad's. It's nearly 8 am, and I'm up. For no good reason. Just...up. Not tired. Up and ready to start doing laundry, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, etc.
She went to her dad's on Friday night, and yesterday, I didn't wake up until 11, missed my appointment with Ray Ray, was severely hungover and dehydrated...felt pretty rough. Slept all day long. Did nothing.
Maybe she really needs to stay home on the weekends more often. Or, maybe I should excercise some self control and quit going out every time she's not here...and really take some control over how much I drink.
She went to her dad's on Friday night, and yesterday, I didn't wake up until 11, missed my appointment with Ray Ray, was severely hungover and dehydrated...felt pretty rough. Slept all day long. Did nothing.
Maybe she really needs to stay home on the weekends more often. Or, maybe I should excercise some self control and quit going out every time she's not here...and really take some control over how much I drink.