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Jess left me a nasty comment...

...about not blogging recently, so, I'll just catch you up on one thing I've been doing a lot of...

In the last weeke and a half, I went on another movie spree!

Well, first off, when I was sick a week or so ago and took off from work, I watched the whole third season of Party of Five. I watched this show when it was in syndication, and I remember that Scott Wolf (Bailey) was the one that everyone thought was soooo cute. But as a 30 year old woman watching this show...Matthew Fox is by FAR one of the sexiest men ALIVE!

Into the Wild - All I can say is I really loved it. Something about it really got to me. Maybe it was the whole "getting away from 'society'" that sometimes I wish I coud do, but know I never could. I love pedicures way too much.

La Vie En Rose - Perfect kind of movie for me. Historical. Biographical. Intriguing.

Goya's Ghosts - Intersting. Again, historical. A period piece. And I love those even if they're not very good. The Spanish Inquistion is so enlightening in a weird way.

Cloverfield - When I first saw the previews I thought I REALLY wanted to see this movie. It's done by J.J. Abrams created of my favorite show LOST, and I couldn't wait. And then I heard things about it, and saw too many previews, and thought, "This is going to be dumb." And...there are a lot of dumb things about it. But it kept me interested and I can say that it was ok.

Run, Fat Boy, Run - Extremely predicatable "love story", but anything British is hilarious to me. I really, really like it. Amazing, too, that it was directed by David Schwimmer and Michael Ian Black wrote the screenplay because I thought it really was a typical "British comedy".

Lars and the Real Girl - Depressing. Intersting at first, and then it kind of dies towards the end, and you just want it to be over. A little too hard to relate to, but it made me chuckle...but as depressing as it was...didn't make me cry, which is what I tend to base my like or dislike of movies on.

Juno - I saw too many previews of this movie...and people loved it too much, so I went into it thinking I wouldn't like it very much. But, I have to say that it has made it into the list of my top 20 favorite movies. What a really great, surprisingly great movie.

P.S. I Love You - Jess told me I would cry. I'm not sure I really believed her. And, I definitely didn't believer after I watched the first fifteen minutes, twice, once Friday...and then passed out...and once last night...and then passed out. So, I watched the WHOLE thing today...and literally...did not stop crying all the way through after those first fifteen minutes. Holy Hell! That was a depressing movie.

August Rush - On my way to DC a month ago, they started playing this move, and I really didn't like it...although I a m a HUGE fan of Jonathan least a huge fan of his face. Then something happened and we couldn't watch it...and ended up watching The Bee Movie instead. Today...I couldn't stop watching it. I don't know if I was already in super cheesy, girly, depressing, movie mode after the movie above or what! But, I cried like a god damn baby!

Iron Man - The best, comic book based, film I have ever seen. How fucking HOT is Robert Downey Jr.?

Feast of Love - It was really good. But...a little too much sex and boobs.

Freedom Writers - I was shocked and awed by how much I liked this movie. I've decided that no matter what the movie is...when Hillary Swank cries, I cry.

A Good Year - This is the kind of movie I like the most. I absolutely adored it.

Oh, and I watched the first two episodes of Queer as Folk. Good, as hell.

So, there you have it. That's what I've been up to. I guess I just haven't had a lot to say. I've been working too much, going out and drinking too much, not sleeping enough...working out...eating right, except the drinking...having semi "adult" conversations with my pre-teen daughter, and that's about it. Nothing exciting. Mostly escapism.


Jessiedc28 said…
SO glad you liked PS I love you!

Can't wait to see Iron Man with E tomorrow night!!! Who did you see it with?
I went with Andrea and our friend Russell.
I miss you when you don't blog!!! Yes, I am always your loyal reader!!!!! I don't always comment, but I am always here, lurking! Hee hee!
Wow! Thanks. I guess I've got to start spending more time over here than I do on my stupid MySpace.
Jacq said…
Damn! You've been busy with the flix! I've been engrossed in the box sets of The L Word!!!! I need to catch up on flix!

And I have no excuse, Elizabeth. I've been too busy to catch up on my blog reading!!!
Jacq, I just finished watching the first season of Queer as Folk. LOVE IT! I think I like it better than the "L" Word.

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