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I don't know what's going on with me, but I've been kind of anti-computer lately. I haven't wanted to take the time to just sit down, and blog about even the most trivial of things. But I realize, I can't just throw the thing out there about JC's pregnant girlfriend without an explaination to all of you who have been faithful readers, and are now a part of my life.

I've actually known since pretty much right after we broke up that the girl he cheated on me with was pregnant. He told me. But, I just didn't want it to be something that consumed my thoughts, or my life. It's his screw up. He's the one who got caught, has to live a lifestyle he didn't want, got trapped into a situation, and is pretty much miserable. His daughter was actually born this weekend. Premature. Only 4lbs because that girl didn't want to take care of herself and gain any weight. But I don't wish anything bad on that baby or on JC...hmmm...just maybe on her! LOL...and a little on JC...well, nothing bad, I just don't wish him well...can't yet. And I do feel a little guilty that I feel so good about the fact that he's pretty much miserable...and I'm pretty much OK.

So, with that out of the way...I had a great weekend. I saw Resident Evil with my friend Christopher. Did major shopping with mom, Gabby, and sister...and I hung out, talked, and smoked with Andrea.

Back at work today with my new wardrobe! Fun. Next weekend Gabby goes to her dad's, and I have a birthday party to go to with my friend from work, Maria. I'm really hoping to hang out with an old friend, Todd...I took Monday, I'll see him on Sunday hopefully. And maybe I can convince Andrea to get a pedicure. We'll see.

I know I have lots of other stuff I want to say...maybe explain...but I'm in a weird place where I think...Does it matter?


Jacq said…
Don't apologize! I've been the same way recently. Looks like I've been keeping up with my posts, but I backdate everything! heh

Guess we're gettin' into winter mode. YUCK
Jacq said…

And where the HECK has Kaycee been!!!!!!
I know! Where the hell has she been??? I know she's doing well, but she doesn't even keep in touch on MySpace!
stephanie said…
have you checked my blog lately? i don't think i've written since sept?? maybe?

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