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Showing posts from September, 2007


Gabby: You took the kitties to the vet today? Me: Yep. Gabby: What do they do to them? Me: They just check them out. They do the same stuff to them that the doctor does to you when you go for a check-up. Gabby: Like take their temperature and stuff? Me: Yep. Do you know how they check their temperature? It makes them mad. Gabby: No, how? Me: They put the thermometers in their butts. Gabby: They do what!? That's crazy! Me: It's the same way they take a baby's temperature. Gabby: They did that to me!!?? Me: Yes, of course. (Not really...they had the "ear thermometer" by then) Gabby: *blinks in disbelief*...I'M SUING!


It's been a long week! And I haven't really been able to do any unpacking because Gabby and I have had so many other appointments and errands and such this week. Yesterday I took the kitties to the vet. They need this liquid medication that I have to give them in a syringe. I knew they would fight me, but I was not prepared for how strong they are! I have scratches EVERYWHERE! And they were pissed to say the least. Apache hated it the most. He tore me up with his flesh tearing claws...and then he sat on the floor with a sad little face...bubbles of medicine dripping from his lip...he wouldn't even lick it off...he just kept smacking his mouth and making MORE bubbles and foam! We love those little kittens, but they have decided that wrestling with each other in my bed at 1 am is their favorite past time! At which point I grab a kitty...whichever I can find...both would be best...throw them out my door, and close the which point they scratch and cry...I sl

Home is where the heart is.

My "heart" isn't really in my new apartment yet. It's still mourning all the old memories from the old apartment. But, I do love it. I really love it! It's so much bigger, and I have brand new carpet. The move was hard. My washing machine and computer desk both fell apart when we tried to move them. So...I got new ones! YAY! I couldn't believe I had collected as much crap as I had in 10 years! But I got rid of everything that hadn't been seen or touched in quite a while. I don't even remember the final total on the number of trash bags that went to trash or Goodwill. Everything is all clean now! And not smokey! Except for my closet. The smoke is embeded into my clothing! So, I'm doing one or two loads of laundry every night, and hopefully it will disappear! Gabby likes it, but I think she's a little stressed. Her room is further away from mine, and she grew up in our old apartment from birth. And, we won't have cable until

Here I am...

...blogging to you in the early hours of the morning. Drinking coffee. Smoking. I haven't been able to do this in almost a year. This used to be my favorite part of the day. I'd write a blog, and then sit here reading blogs all morning before a nap. Well, there will be no napping today. I have to move. I don't know why I'm procrastinating so much. Ok, moving sucks. But I'm a little sad to let this apartment go, too. There are so many good memories here. Lots of bad ones, too. Here recently everything in here reminds me of JC, and I just want it all gone!!! And there were plenty of fights and bad memories from when Gabby's dad lived here, too. But this is also the place where I first brought Gabby home from the hospital. It has been our home for almost 10 years! I moved in one week before Gabby was born. We actually moved in on my due date. And here in this apartment is where she grew up...where her dad and I laughed with her and played with he

I took a personality quiz...this is all they would tell me!!!

Social Expressiveness In social settings you will tend to be quieter and more reserved than the average person. In fact, many may view you as shy because you would rather let others do the talking. Oftentimes, people who have the most to say do the least amount of talking only because they feel inhibited when there is a big audience. This does not mean that you would be introverted in a relationship because intimacy usually breaks down the inhibitions we feel in social settings. Keep in mind that the fear to speak up in social settings can be overcome with practice. It's important that you learn to speak up when you have something important to say, even if your feel uncomfortable doing so. You should also be aware that your tendency to be highly reactive to negative stimuli does not mesh well with your introverted nature. In fact, when you react too quickly to dangerous situations when you are normally reserved and quiet, others view this as being weak or even cowardly. Note: it do

Work Crush

What am I going to do when my new crush at work no longer has training in the conference room right next to my cube??? He just passed by, but I am here, on the phone on hold, typing to you fine folks...not even a glimpse. Tonight I'm taking Gabby to her dad's, and I'm going to start organizing for my move. Tomorrow night is my really good friend from high school, Armando's, 31st Surprise Birthday Party. Should be interesting. I'm taking my co-worker with me...and this other crush of mine is going to be fact he's driving into SA tomorrow to move here...exciting. My cats are hilarious, and keep Gabby and me entertained quite a bit! Work is great...everything's great right now...except sleep...God! I wish I could get more sleep!


You are Maryiln Monroe A classic tortured beauty You're the dream girl of many men Yet they never seem to treat you right What Famous Pinup Are You?


I'm at work! And I have a very big crush on this new guy! He has to keep walking by my cube to get to the conference room where he's training. Today I did a great big "Hello!" and smile! My co-worker sent me an email that said, "Stop flirting and get to work!" Hahahahaha! I really didn't it want it to be that obvious. Anyhoo...I have work things to do! And I can't think of anything else to say at the moment! Have a great day!

That damn pig!

We are in the year of the boar...pig...whatever you want to call it. I call it EVIL! It is especially evil for a Cancer like me. When I read my predicitons for this year, I think it said that I would have 1 good month, 2 ok months, and 9 bad months. It ain't lyin'!!! I have had some really great stuff happen this year, but it's always been coupled with some downfall. And I'm not sure that that one good month has happened yet. I hope not! And, once again it's happening. I'm moving! Yay! I've lived in the same apartment for 9 years, so I am now, finally moving...I'm staying in the same complex, but I'm moving to a bigger apartment with two bathrooms and a pool view. So, that's been good news. I have an upcoming vacation to Colorado Springs during one of the prettiest times of year. And then I had lunch with my sister and parent's today. My dad has skin cancer again. Stage 2. After he's already had all the skin removed from h