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Ok, so...

...I graduated in May. Technically. I wore the cap and gown, I walked the stage, I got my fake diploma, I flipped my tassle, and all is well. Kind of. I need to finish up 3 hours this summer before they will actually send my real degree in the mail. Which will actually work out really well for me because the semester that I was really sick I had to withdraw from all of my classes, but I didn't get to withdraw before the deadline, so I ended up with all F's. Dropping my GPA from a 3.7 to a 3.0. But I have now appealed that and had all the grades changed to W's. This way when they re-audit me and I get my real degree I will be graduating cumme laude (or however you spell that stinkin' phrase).

The class for this summer? Biology of the Human Reproductive System. level sex education. Basically I will sit in class for 2 hours everyday of the week for the next 5 weeks and talk about penises and vaginas. Doesn't get any better than that, right? Today was all about the vagina. Complete with a giant diagram of the external female genetalia on two projector screens. I wonder if I'm the only one who feels like snickering. The professor is fun, but he uses his hands way too much to describe things. And I think it's unneccessary for him to say, when he puts up this diagram, that the color of the vagina diagram is just too red. I mean it was...BLOOD RED...but not neccessary for him to say that. I'm much more into school during this mini summer session than I have been in the last two semesters. I really think I want to go back. Before and after class I got to have a smoke break with Andrea (who is now working there). So that was cool. And then I met up with JC for lunch at Quiznos. Where I proceeded to talk about vaginas and stuff for about an hour...hmmm...I didn't think about it until now, but I talked about vaginas all the way through his pastrami sub. Um...ok, so...we finished lunch and went outside to smoke.

JC finally says to me, "I don't think I want to talk about junk anymore."
Me: "Why? We're talking about my junk not boy junk."
JC: "I don't mind talking about your junk, I just don't want to talk about general junk."
ME: "But it's the same thing as my junk!"
JC: "NO! All junks are very different. They are each their own monster. So, I'll discuss your particular junk, but I don't want to hear about them in a general sort of way."
ME: "Monsters?? What the hell is that supposed to mean?? Do you hate my junk???"
JC: "No, I love your junk. It's perfect for me, but some girls have weird junk. Like the bony junk."
ME: "WHAT THE HELL IS BONY JUNK??? Are you saying I have FAT junk???"
JC: "Shut up, Elizabeth. We will no longer be discussing JUNK!!!"

So, I gave in and let the conversation go. But little does he know I can't contain myself when it comes to learning. Everything I learn I must share!!!! I must!!! So maybe he'll be more interested in hearing about breasts after tomorrows lecture...and then...Da Da Da Dunnnnn...we move on to penises the next day! I can't wait! There will definitely be some sharing whether he likes it or not!

Well, so, I end this "blog o' junk", and let me just say that I'm very happy with this class even if I'm unhappy with having to take it. It's easy, scantron tests only, I've already taken Human Sexuality before, the professor is interesting, and I get to talk about junk all day. Good times.


Jessiedc28 said…
I've known you for a long time -- and I think this class would be good for you. =)
Why the hell will it be good for me? The reason this class is good for me is because I've already taken in before under the Health Dept, so the "good for me" part is that it's EASY!
Jacq said…
I always loved those easy classes. Gives the GPA a huge JUMP!!!

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