I had a great weekend! A little stressful, but great! My mom threw a big party on Saturday for my graduation/birthday. A couple of old friends showed up and that was really nice. Today is my birthday. I had a nice simple dinner with my family (leftovers from the party). Everyone has been so supportive and great with all the congratulatory stuff about my graduation. I never expected this much "love". It's a really awesome feeling.
Now it's back to the grindstone of finding myself a career. I'm so sick of looking at my resume and being reminded that while I have done a lot of really cool things (like the whole graduation thing), I also have not accomplished nearly enough at the age that I am. I had a really good talk with my mom today about what kind of jobs I could be looking for, and I'm really happy with the outcome.
Now it's back to the grindstone of finding myself a career. I'm so sick of looking at my resume and being reminded that while I have done a lot of really cool things (like the whole graduation thing), I also have not accomplished nearly enough at the age that I am. I had a really good talk with my mom today about what kind of jobs I could be looking for, and I'm really happy with the outcome.