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Finally - A long one...

Looky! I finally have some time, and my computer is actually cooperating...Oops...better not speak too soon! It's really hard to write this right now. I stopped by JC's apartment after work for a minute, and made the mistake of picking up his roommate's cat...then I rubbed my eye or something because it's itching like crazy. Also, the cat loves it when I bend down and my hair is just hanging all over the place. He tries to swat at it. So, I was trying to get it to come out from behind a chair, and I held onto a piece of hair to put in his face, and he caught my finger on his vicious little my finger itches like crazy, too.

So, last weekend was graduation. What a huge letdown of a nightmare. First of all, public events just aren't my cup of tea. I asked my mom a couple of weeks ago if I could just skip the whole walking the stage thing. She insisted that I do it. Graduation day arrives. (BTW: The night before went looking for an outfit, and was really depressed and really pissed because I'm almost 2 years ago, pre-trainer weight again!!!) Anyhoo...I had lunch with JC where I proceeded to concoct some little shenanigan where I just didn't show up, and when my family asked why they didn't see me, I would simply say, "But I was there, right there, I can't believe you didn't see me!!! But, of course, JC convinced me otherwise. The university I attend has 26, 000 students. At least 2500 of them were graduating, and at least 500 of them were graduating at my time slot. Andrea swore to me that there were chairs lined up to sit down while you waited to pile into the university gym where the ceremony was being held. She was wrong. And I went ahead with the wearing heels idea. Bad idea. I stood for 45 minutes in a line with them. I also stood in a line where only about 5 people had my color tassle. Hmmm...not too many Geographers out there. Then they ushered us all in like a herd of cattle. We sat for 2 hours, had to pretend to sing the UTSA alma matta (sp), which no one knew, and then we were out of there. It was extremely anti-climatic. The whole time I only had two things on my mind. One was the fact that I was the only girl, and only one out of maybe 4 people wearing glasses. Weird, right? The other thing was my stupid mortar cap. It would not stay on. It kept falling off and sliding up and doing all sorts of weird things. I was so afraid that it was going to fall off when I walked across the stage. But at somepoint, it fell off, and I put it back on with my hair looking crazy, and I could tell it would stick...and it did.

After graduation we went to JC's restaurant and had a really good time. Then I went out with some other friends who had graduated and a couple of people with birthdays. That was also very anti-climatic.

Mother's Day...was awesome...My sister brought La Madeleine pastries over to my mom's and we just sat around the table talking for while.

JC came over on Mother's Day after he got off work. So, here comes the sweetest part of my weekend where I finally got a climax! I opened the door and JC was holding something behind his back. I was a little shocked because I hadn't expected anything (we had a "gift" conversation the other day...other story). Anyway he hands me a gift bag from a store that I had know clue what it was and said that it was a combo graduation/mother's day/birthday (it's not till June) present. I opened the bag, and my surprise was gift wrapped! Can you believe it? Gift wrapped! I have never been with someone who had something gift wrapped for me! So, I open it up and was really, really, really in shock! The box said Lladro on it. I wanted to ask if it was just a box he used, but I knew it wasn't. He bought me a mermaid Lladro! You have no idea what kind of thought he put into that. I own one here in my apartment that's a mermaid, and a couple of weeks ago we went to his dad's house, and his step mom had a whole bunch of them in a cabinet. I had a whole conversation with her about them. JC said he called her after we left that day to find out their price and where to get them. It's just not a typical gift that any schmuck boyfriend would get you, and, of course, I cried my eyes out! It's title is "Daydreaming by the Sea"...that's me!

This is the one I already had called "Illusion"

And this is the one that JC got me...I love him.

Work has been really busy this week. JC finally got a truck, and it's been really nice for him to be able to come over and just hang out for a couple of hours during the week.

Summer is here, and I need to get my toobin' legs ready...and my tanning back in full swing...first I really want to get back into the swing of the gym thing. I'm in no condition for a bathing suit!


Jacq said…
I've been tanning since just last month, so I'm getting pretty dark. Soon, though, I'll be cutting down. Don't want to get that "tanner's look." You've seen the ones. They look SO OLD and aren't! YIKES

You mean you wouldn't want to wear a one piece bathing suit??? Even when I was stick thin, I wore the one pieces, only because I hated getting sand in my suit in a bikini. But I know how you feel. I used to have killer abs. USED TO!!!!
Even the one pieces are scaring me! At least, when toobing, I can wear shorts. I don't know abou abs. I've never had killer ones, but I do really miss how proud I was of my back, arms, and legs only about a year ago.

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