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Lunchables are Delectable!

Everytime I walk in to the corner store I have a hard time resisting buying a Lunchable. I just can't get over the yummy goodness of them. I personally like the Deluxe Lunchables...the old school ones that didn't come with a drink. Instead they came with that nasty mustard that I don't like (but is fun to squeeze out into the empty container when you're done), and one single Andes mints. Mmm-mmm-mmm!!! I am one of those people who has to go through all the different combinations of this kind of meat with that kind of cheese, and this kind of cracker, etc. I just finished eating one, can you tell?

Life after graduation hasn't seemed all that different. Everything seems the same, and really...I much prefer answering questions about, "What am I going to do with my future?" as a student, than telling people that I'm newly graduated and being asked, "Now what are you going to do?" That question sucks. Especially for someone like me who is definitely in a "Lost in Transition" kind of place.

It's the middle of the week, and I am still on a high from this past weekend. JC and I got to kind of have a "date night" on Friday, which was really nice. We both agreed that we weren't going to talk about anything that involved any kind of "stress". So...we just talked, about anything and's nice to know that we still have stories to tell and things to learn about each other. Saturday night we kind of did a double-date night. There were some of JC's other friends there because it was someone's birthday, but it was kind of meant to be this double-date thing. We played darts for most of the night. I completely sucked during the first game, and then when I started hitting random "good things" (as I like to call them) JC would jump around like a maniac. Sunday was kind of a continuation of the double-date. We met the other couple for lunch, and then hung out by the pool.

So much to do in the next couple of weeks:

I. I have countless doctor's appointments to go to.

a. I "injured" my shoulder a couple of years ago. It's really just a result of my job which has a constant repetative motion. I've already tried physical therapy with a real physical therapist and also with any one of the trainers I've had at the gym. Unfortunately it hasn't worked really well. So, my doctor is sending me to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. Hopefully they are going to first try giving me a shot of cortizone or something before they attempt to do surgery. YIKES! That could be a looooong recovery complete with rehab.

b. I'm getting my teeth cleaned tomorrow! YAY! I had put off going to my yearly dental appointment when I got sick, the whole tonsil thing, yada, yada, yada, but now I get to have my pearly whites all spiffed up!

c. Can you say really giant, gross, weird cyst things protruding from my left big toe? I put a picture up of the single one I had maybe a year ago. Then it got bigger and more like multiple cysts...then I was on a lot of steroids for my tonsils and they went away. Now they're back with a vengence. The one that I had removed from hand a year ago is also back, but I'm leaving that one alone. My doctor told me to be careful when seeing the Podiatrist. He said that those guys love nothing more than opening up your foot, and will try to at every cost, and I have to be really firm in saying, "ONLY THE CYSTS, BOYS, ONLY THE CYSTS!"

d. Breast reduction dude - coming in August. Those darn, in demand plastic surgeons! I can't get in until August, but that's going to help with shoulder issue oh so much. As well as the back pain, annoying stares, shirts that don't fit, custom bridesmaid dresses, etc.

II. Clean apartment???

III. Get my grades changed for last semester when I had to drop out of school from being sick. I already emailed all my professors, but only one of them has returned anything.

IV. Toobing on June 3

V. Ummm...probably more! Oh, god, I can't remember shit!!! Oh yea...oil change...and um...I'll have to get back with myself on this.

Thank you so much to all of you faithful readers. I know I have been extremely negligent with blogging. It's a little hard to know what to say these days. I have a hard time writing about my feelings and goings on with JC because I think I may have done too much of that when we were together before, and then when we were apart. It's hard to sit here and write about all the good stuff and all my sappy feelings after what he did to me, but I'm gonna have to get over that eventually, and so are you, reader. I also suck in the gym department lately. I can't boast about my GPA until I get my grades changed for last semester, etc.

I can say though, that my best friend of 13 years, Jessica, asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. Finally got the dress all picked out. It's exciting to be sharing the big day with her and E!

Did I ever mention that Gabby got her first brown belt in karate. That's right, my kid could kick your ass as well as your kid's!


Jessiedc28 said…
I am afraid that the dress will get lost in the liquid kitchen banana....maybe I should have it sent to your Moms? =)
Dork...just send it to my apartment. I refuse to buy bananas anymore anyway!
Jacq said…
Congratulations to Gabby!!!

You two are so funny!!!!
Kaycee said…
Those are funny. Only the Cysts Boys! Ha ha. I could think of much more fun things to play with on you. Ha ha.

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