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St. Patty's Day

Jessie, E, and I spent the day down on the Riverwalk. We then had dinner at JC's restaurant where JC waited on us as Obi-Wan Kenobi. We drank green potion drinks. Jessie and E were tuckered out, and went back to their hotel, but I had told everyone that I would be out and about, so I headed to [Snoopy Dog's]...the place where we go for karaoke every Friday night. These pictures make me a little ill...there's just TOO much GREEN going on...

Jessie and E at the Time Machine with their Green Potion drinks...

Look at the freakin' color of that beer. It looks toxic...

Andrea and me. Um, yea, I think our eyes look a little red...

Me, JC, JC's boss, and boss's close attention...JC wore this hat that Andrea, me, and everyone else thought was the dumbest, most toolbag thing in the world, that we've seen these's actually pretty freakin' the little really does move throughout the night. So, the funniest, dorkiest thing is that JC actually moved the drunk-o-meter around the more he drank. You'll have to forgive him. He's as Irish as any Irish-American comes, and takes drinking on St. Patrick's Day very seriously...

I need to start tanning before summer gets here...

Whoa! Mr. Incredible looks not so good there in the background...

Last picture of the night. JC and Matty attacking Andrea. Drunk-o-meter is at highest level...

I love this pic. It's so sweet and cute...


Jacq said…
Jesus Lord, woman, is there a color you DON'T look good in??? RED HOT MAMA!!! heh heh

I just wish you could be at Kaycee's party next month!! WAAAAH!
Jacq said…
And don't worry, you aren't the ONLY one who needs to hit the tanning bed! I'm making Casper look dark! heh
Kaycee said…
Ewww, looks like you probably had some serious GBS or (green beer shits)

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