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It's Monday morning, and I took today off from work. Right before the true tax season we get really low on work. So, they pretty much give us off any day we want. I'm taking off today and Friday.

This past weekend was really great. And this is going to sound strange, but I feel really good about the fact that I'm saying I had a great weekend and Gabby was home with me. I feel like so often all of my "great" weekends are weekends that don't involve her, and that's just a shame.

On Friday night my aunt and uncle were in town, so the whole fam went downtown and ate at Mi Tiera's. We got a little lost on the way home. Saw a crack deal goin' down. Good times.

Saturday, took Gabby to eat at Red Robin. And then went to CD Exchange and the pet store with Andrea and Josh. I've been seriously thinking about getting Gabby and me two kittens for the last year. I think I've thought about it long enough that I might actually make it happen. On Gabby's birthday my sister and I went to the Humane Society to try to find a couple of kittens, but they didn't have any. At the pet store on Saturday they had two of the sweetest Himilayan kittens I have ever about $500 each. I think we're looking more for a couple of stray Tom cats.

Saturday night, JC came over. I laid down for a little while with Gabby when she was going to bed, and then went out to hang out with JC. He was in the kitchen opening he bottle of Asti that I had bought myself, and told me to go hang out with Gabby a little longer. I had no idea what he was up to, but I really do hate surprises. Seriously. I hate them. I'm too much of an instant gratification person, and yea, that probably keeps me from being able to enjoy some of the finer things in life, but's me. I hate surprises. Anyway, I went and laid down with Gabby a little longer, and then JC came and waved at me in the doorway. So, I went out to where my living room, and dining room is and all the lights were off, and I was tripping all over my millions of shoes that are EVERYWHERE. But then there was candlelight. He had lit all my candles and poured us both a glass of Asti, and kind of pulled out my dining room chairs so we'd be sitting next to each other. It was so sweet. We just spent the next few hours talking. Talking about stuff we didn't know about each other. Talking about our "new" relationship and all of our fears, hopes, etc. I was really touched by this really simple thing. So many times in my life in all different kinds of relationships, including my the one with my mom, I've had people try to buy my love. And sometimes all it takes is a simple gesture or though instead of buying great big expensive things. Does that make sense?

So, I had been promising, pinky swearing, the works to Gabby for about a week that I would take her bowling on Sunday. I didn't plan it very well though. I planned to go around 5pm, and by that time it was too late for my sister and BIL to go, and when we got there...there was an hour wait. So, I looked at Gabby and just knew that she was going to cry her eyes out when I told her we couldn't go bowling, but I turned to her, got on her level, looked her right in the eye, and said, "Gabby, it's just too long of wait. We're gonna go to the Castle and play minature golf instead." And it worked. She didn't cry. Josh, JC, Gabby, and I headed for the castle, got some snacks and played minature golf. I suck. I didn't bring my glasses in with me to play, which is my excuse. But still. I suck. We let Gabb cheat a little, and by the end she was trying to give me golf lessons. I would start to put the ball and she would say, "Ok, now watch it, watch it..." Or, "Like this mom, this is what you have to do." I don't think I'm ever playing again.

We were invited to JC's boss's house for dinner with their whole family and Andrea. It was so nice. The food, conversation, $185 bottle of wine, and the laughs were just the best ending to the weekend. Gabby played with their son who is her age, and we sat around the dinner table just talking. God! That dinner was so good. It was a beef tenderloin that was super tender with this balsamic/dijon sauce, with new potatos and a spinach salad that had a vinegrette and bacon slices, and hard boiled eggs. Delicious! Followed up by key lime pie! Heaven!

Ok, I'm done...I need a nap!


Jacq said…
I'm so happy that your weekend was a good one. I love those kinds of weekends!!!
Me too! Busy, but fun!

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