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Showing posts from October, 2005


I got so many new pictures developed this weekend! I got really good ones, too. I love when that happens! So, I'm kind of grouping these together by event...The ones from Halloween parties on Friday and Saturday are going to have to come later when I get them all together... One of our friends opened up a new bar downtown, so we went to the Grand Opening, spent way too much money, didn't even get a buzz, but had a good time nonetheless... JC and Andrea (Mi-Mi). Andrea and Andy (Mr. Incredible)...he always makes some kind of face for almost every picture, but it's cute... Cute group picture...that's Ali (Velma) on the end. Awwww...I absolutely love this picture...and can't help but be happy about how much you can see my collar bone!...even though I was still pretty sick here, and I'm still not able to eat very much. The Girls...Andrea, Ali, and Me. Ali and I have those faces because JC was taking forever, so mine's kind of a "Let's hurry the &quo
Mi-Mi and I decided we would try to have a Friday Night Pajama Poker Night or something like that. Basically it was a way to be able to hang out somewhere in our pajamas and drink instead of going out to a bar, getting dressed up, and spending a lot of money. We got to do it for two nights and that was it...This is the one we tried at my, but not as much fun as we hoped... Mi-Mi - pajamas and candlelight... JC double-fisted, stealing my glass of wine. Mi-Mi and Becky doing god knows what, but this was right at the end of the night, so I'm sure we were all pretty much wasted. Clean-shaven's only hair, and at least it grows back fast!...J/K, I think he's gorgeous anyway, but I miss the goatee when he shaves it.
Hanging out at JC's after Karaoke at Blanco Tavern... Me, Andy (Mr. Incredible), and TJ (Ace Ventura). TJ and Andrea (Mi-Mi). Everyone was super tan from toobin' all summer. There's always that one person who has to flick the camera off...Mikey and Chris (Spiderman). I think JC took this, and it made me realize that men just don't know the fine art of taking pictures so that everything looks good.
Another picture of JC that I'm not sure he would appreciate being posted...or at least another one that he hates and I love.

Dirty Little Secret

I have something to admit. I have been blogging somewhere else. I actually feel a little ashamed because I've ignored this blog so much. But believe me, the other forum is in no way like this. I do not share half the intimate details that I do with the fine readers of this blog. They're usually really short posts, too. The people that read my other blog are people that I know KNOW...and a lot of them are friends I met through JC and Mi-Mi, so I can't spill all the stuff that I do here, but it's kind of a good forum to have those people that really know you on a personal level to read...but, now, as I write that, I realize that even though I've never met half the readers here face to face, you guys probably know me pretty personally... Ok, so you can go here if you want to read up on my other's not any more exciting than here's at MySpace, which I have found to be a really great place to keep up with friends. Much easier than emailing an

Let's try this again...

So, yea, I can swallow without choking and dying in pain, but my stomach so hates the feel of anything inside of it. I've also developed some really bizarre, serious taste aversions. Even the smell of food makes me want to throw up for days, and that's exactly what I've been doing. I've got to find out what's wrong with me. My ear and tonsils still hurt, so I made a doctor's appointment for today. Hopefully I can get a referral to an ENT, and get this whole mess sorted out. I might also need a referral for a nutritionist. This morning I was able to eat saltines and some fruit, and I don't feel sick...yet? I'm guessing that this is what people have been starved or starve themselves go throught when they're trying to get back to normal eating habits. I hope so. I'm just going to have to stick with toast and chicken broth or, wait, no...the smell of chicken makes me NAUSEOUS!!! The only thing that tastes good to drink is regular Dr. P

Where to start?

I woke up on a Friday morning not feeling so hot. I guess it was sometime around Sept. 30. I went to one class, came home took a nap, and then got Gabby and me ready to go out to the "country" to meet and hang out with JC's family. All of that went pretty well, even though I was feeling really under the weather. By the time we left the country though, I was in some serious pain. I spiked a pretty high fever in the car on the way home. By the next day I was worse, and it just kept getting worse. I don't remember a whole lot. The first time I went to see a doctor, JC had to call my sister to come watch Gabby so he could take me. They put me on prednisone, Vicodin, and an antibiotic. I still continued to get worse though. I had a 102 degree fever that just wouldn't go away. JC came and stayed with me a couple of nights, and I woke up one morning throwing up in the bathroom, extremely high fever, and pretty much dying and begging to go to the emergency room. JC had to


I know...I've been missing in action...anyone miss me? Notice I was gone? I've been really, really sick, and am almost feeling up to posting a full blog, but in the meantime here are a couple of pictures from one night this past weekend when I tried to go out for Mi-Mi's birthday, and just about passed out from "doing too much"...which doesn't take much these days... JC and me. I feel like I look like such an old, dumpy housewife sitting in the background. I did feel like complete shit to my credit...and those are my new side swept bangs. Mr. Incredible, me, JC, David V., and Little Matty. Still feeling like the dumpy housewife. Mi-Mi was wasted. I was actually the only sober one. I tried having a couple of drinks, but it just wasn't working. Still looking dumpy, sick, old, and pale! Saturday night was Mr. Incredible's band's last show forever. I couldn't go because I just couldn't get out of bed, but here's my hot lovey looking very se