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Worst Week EVER!

(This is probably going to be one of my longer post...maybe boring, maybe don't, or just scroll down to look at Clive Owen again!)

I have had the worst week ever! But now, it's better, so I can maybe actually laugh at it?

I started off the week with this paper due on Wednesday that I hadn't even started. A very important paper, I might add. So, for all the rest of the events that conspired Mon - Wed just remember that the paper is LOOMING over my head...(Ok, has been a bad "week" because it's more like only the first two days of the week, but it felt like the entire thing!...I really am losing it, huh?)

MONDAY morning I had class in the class that the paper is due in...we had a test the week before...I didn't get mine back because I missed class on Friday thanks to having to be at my doctor's...I picked up my test after class...IT WAS A 'C'! ONLY LIKE THE SECOND 'C' I HAVE EVER RECEIVED IN MY LIFE! I made some comment about the grade being horrible, and the professor was like, "Well, I really admire that you want to do better, but there are a lot of people that would trade grades with you, the average was a 63". Yeah, ok, I know it's only a 'C', BUT...if I don't do well on the paper that I hadn't started at this point...I might end up with a 'C' in the class!

I had an appointment later that afternoon with a physician's assitant who was going to remove this cyst that just showed up on my knuckle like 2 months ago. I was a little nervous going into the office, but he said it would be really easy...just a small incision and he could pop it right out, 20 minutes tops! NO PROBLEM! Yeah right!!! I start feeling queasier and queasier the longer I wait...He has me sit on this stool and put my hand up on the table...he injects the numbing stuff...It's getting pretty warm at this point... He starts to pain, but I can feel him as he 'saws' into my hand with the scalpel. I told him that it was getting a little hot in the room, was it just me? (the whole time, by the way, I'm just looking at the wall, NOT MY HAND)..he gets up and leaves me there, comes back with a of the largest nurses I have ever seen in my life. She lifts the hair off of my neck and starts fanning me with a magazine, patting my back, calling me baby...and she gave me a cold compress for my forehead that I was holding up with my other hand...still looking at this wall, which I am almost right up against and is covered in pictures of Dale Earnhart and many muscle cars...the PA the whole time saying, "We're gonna get you fixed up real soon, Little Lady...won't be long at all, Young Lady." Definitely a country boy. I was seriously thinking I was going to pass out. He kept asking me if I wanted to lay down instead, but NOPE, I'm a brave girl! I just kept telling myself, "You can handle this, you can handle it, you're gonna be fine, deep breaths, don't think about your stomach!" I should have probably opted for laying on the table! It's taking him a lot longer than he thought it would. This cyst seems to be pretty much connected to my knuckle, my skin, and everything else I can only imagine, since I refuse to look at it...and you know? what good is a local anesthetic if you can still feel and HEAR all that's going on. I could HEAR him scraping (or debriding as he called it) this cyst off my knuckle, feel him lifting it up as he scraped underneath it! I think the PA and the nurse at this point thought it "mighty" funny that I wasn't feeling too good...they started to tell me about ALL the other "little" surgeries they had performed!!! PLEASE! I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THIS AS YOU ARE SCRAPING MY HAND! He finally finished and stitched me up...he told me to look at the stitches while I was in the office so I wouldn't be shocked and passed out later...So, I looked...not so bad...maybe...still not sure if I'm gonna pass out at this point or not, but did he have to leave all the blood, scissors, etc., etc., etc. sitting right there while he made me look at my hand? Ok...all bandaged up and I can leave...he said I could take the stitches out myself (WHAT?!) or he'd do it for free...(WHAT?!) More thoughts of passing out commenced as I got in the car and had to drive...afraid to move my hand at all.

I headed off to class later that night to take a test I hadn't studied hand starts hurting...feeling like I've scraped my knuckles over a brick wall...but, by the end of the test...I felt like I hadn't done that bad, and my hand? No pain, and I can actually make a fist. Weird! And I got out of class 2 hours early thanks to the test...everything's GRAVY! Bummed around at home for awhile, then off to pick up Gabby. It had gotten hotter outside so I go to put my hair up...POP! OMG, I think I've popped one of my felt and sounded like it popped...But I can't look at's ok, I'm going to my parent's and I'll just have my dad look at it...that's what dad's do best, right?! Made it to my parent's even though I went into shock in the car, shaking and freezing with the heater on full blast. Dad put my hand flat out on their stove!!! It had the best light? Ok, good, didn't pop the stitch, but once again had to sit on the kitchen floor, head between my knees because feelings of passing out once again commenced. Went home...ahhhhh...Vicodin!!!

TUESDAY: Had to figure out a way to take a shower without being afraid I was going to pop a stitch, get it caught in my hair, whatever. Went to class. My Human Skeleton class where the professor used to be a hand doctor. Spoke with him for a couple of minutes with some classmates...a classmate pointed out my hand, he responded with, "YOU TRUSTED A PA TO DO THAT!?" He said I shouldn't have done that, the hand is very delicate! GREAT! THANKS! Am I going to pass out again? So, then I had a good point to the day...I got an 'A' on the test I took in that class the week before...So, looks like I'm gonna end up with an 'A' in my hardest class and a 'C' in my easiest one!

Went home. Paper due the next day. I have class in a couple of hours. Screw it! I'm skipping my boring, dreadful, worthless, I never learn anything, 4 hour class to write this paper. I think i finished the paper around 7. I only completed 5 out of the 8 pages it had to be. Oh, well. It was done. It starts raining. Thunderstorms for the rest of the night! Hail, flooding, and oh yeah, possibly 6 tornado warnings right over the street THAT I LIVE ON! And then I had to go pick up Gabby and drive in it!

WEDNESDAY: Woke up and start having a little bit of complications with this other procedure I had done on the Friday before. I can't believe it. I'm falling apart, and I haven't been able to make it to the gym, which makes me feel even worse! Called my doctor and they're seeing me today. I was feeling like crap yesterday...tried to take a nap...the people next door...BLARING very loud salsa music...I pounded and pounded on the luck! They finally shut it off, but I only had like an hour left before I had to go get Gabby...

Well...hopefully it's all over...hopefully I'll get good news at the doctor's today. I'm actually feeling fine, and feel like I don't need to go, but better safe than sorry! And then tomorrow, my extended, I'm pretending I'm not a mom, weekend starts. Josh's birthday is Friday!! Stitches are still looking quite gross, and the PA never told me how long I needed to leave them in for...but I'm getting used to it...painkillers at least let me sleep better!


Jessiedc28 said…
You're just a crazy Vicoden abuser! Either that or it sounds like you need to eat an entire bag of Salt & Vinegar chips in bed while reading like I did last night. .......
Then I would just have to take more Vicodin to get rid of the pain in my mouth that I always get from eating a whole bag of Salt & Vinegar!
Anonymous said…
I had a cyst in my ear removed (scraped out), while AWAKE and STRAPPED DOWN. The noise is something I'll never forget. I sympathize, to the extent I can. Oh, and I cant eat salt & vinegar chips unless I want to turn into a human sized water balloon.

DOWN with cysts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Small update...everything went fine at my Dr.'s yesterday...I asked her to look at the stitches and she said she thought they were ready to come out, and she would do it if I wanted her to...hmmmm...I wasn't too sure, not that I didn't trust her, but I was just being leery of having the stitches out after only 3 days. Don't you usually have stitches for like 3 weeks or something? So, she sent me home and told me I could do it myself over the weekend. "Just use toenail clippers to cut them right here, and pull them out." Yay!!! Sounds like fun!!! I can't wait!!! OMG...I'll ahve to let my dad do it over the stove with the best light, I think. I have never really passed out ever in my life, but in this week alone I've almost done it like 6 times, I don't want to have this feeling ever again!! How the hell am I going to deal with getting a breast reduction????

I do that too, with the chips...blow tongue and lips usually swell up, too. It's just a horrible feeling all around, but soooo good as you start with that first chip and can't stop!

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