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What is the definition of love?

Some anonymous person asked me this in the 'comments section' many blogs ago. A hard one to answer...everyone has a different answer...I am slowly admitting to myself that I have never truly been in love...I have felt deep affection for people, and I have had my feelings manipulated, and I have definitely been in lust...But I honestly can say that I've never been in love on my own terms...I'm so ready to be swept completely off my feet...


Jammie J. said…
I think you'll find this post on my spiritual blog interesting ... LINK ... a friend of mine wrote the following:

I started to think about what these words mean.

"I love you." There's an I, and there's a You. And in between the I and the You, there's a Love, like a big blue and green balloon that floats slowly and gently from the I to the You.

"I'm in love with you." My first picture, the one I've unconsciously carried around for years, is that there's an I, and the I is inside this big blue and green balloon, and I guess the balloon still floats slowly and gently to the You. And the You says, Look at this! There's a big blue and green balloon that looks a lot like, wait it is, Love. And what's inside the balloon? Oh, it's an I. The I is in Love. Hm, whatever am I going to do with this? I can't leave it out here in the yard. Well, here, let me see if I can drag the balloon inside the house. And then later I'll figure out what to do.

But I don't really like that picture very much. And today, a new one came to mind.

"I'm in love with you." There's an I, and there's a big blue and green balloon, and the balloon is Love. And the I is inside the balloon. But wait, there's the You, right in the balloon with the I.

"I am in love, with you."

Yeah, that's the picture I like.

For me, I think "love", the kind that lasts is not a feeling but a decision/choice. "In Love" is a feeling and can fluctuate like infatuation can.
Good points! I think what I was trying to say is that I'm just kind of tired of being "alone", ya know? Even when I'm surrounded by people...I'm just ready to find someone that I feel really strongly about, but of course it's partly my fault that I haven't...not wanting to let people 'in' and all that good stuff.
Jammie J. said…
A lot of people don't like being "alone" ... I guess I never feel alone. I have too many things going on. Sometimes, though, it is nice to *stop* and just forget everything else. Tony is good for me in that respect. His favorite thing to say to me is "You're very, very busy ... " So true. I'm always doing something. It's hard to let someone in. I "get" you on that one.
My life is basically split up into the "spring half of the year" and the "fall half of the year" based on work and school and the spring I'm really, really busy, and in the fall I'm not, I start thinking a little too much, not having so much to do...the funny thing is is that I feel "alone", but on the other hand I'm not much of a people person and wouldn't want a whole bunch of people around me anyways...just bored and thinking too much lately! Know what I mean?

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