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Torn and Tattered

Yep! The worst week ever seems to have actually made it through a full week...starting last Monday and hopefully it ended yesterday (Monday). I will get this over with quickly, though, and hope that this is the end of it.

Last we were...broken down car on Friday...picked up Gabby and mom's car, got lost for an hour on the way to dropping Gabby off at her dad' the rain, talking to Jess as she laughed at me for being lost. Had to have a more than 5 minute conversation with Gabby's dad. Saturday: supposed to go shopping with mom, she cancelled. Took out my own stitches...thought I lost one. Went shopping with for new jacket and feet are too big, and they never have my boobs and shoulders are too big and every leather jacket has shoulder pads, and I'm not trying to look like a linebacker. Josh made me walk from the mall to Target. Josh bought stuff. He bought stuff that came in hard boxes with corners. Josh was swinging bag, and one of the said items with sharp corners swung and poked me right in the newly unstitched hole in my hand...almost beat Josh up before I stopped and had to realize it really wasn't his fault, but really wanted to hit him. Watched the movie I am Sam...if you've seen it, I don't need to say more. Driving dad's truck for the weekend...haven't driven standard in a long time...I've been taking the long way to get anywhere...avoiding the chance of being at a stop light on an incline. Yesterday we had major flash floods. I walked in the rain, sopping wet to get to class for freakin' 50 minutes (I mean the class was only 50 min.) Couldn't get anything done thanks to traffic and flooding, and dumb people getting stuck in low water crossings. Ok, this is longer than I intended. I also haven't been to the gym, I think Aaron's really pissed at me, I've eaten like absolute crap (thanks, Josh), and I haven't had a conversation with the AOC for many days now...we keep playing IM and phone tag. Also, broke the Alfie soundtrack CD that Josh bought. Oops! My nerves have been at an all time irritating level as well. I ate 12 donuts yesterday (And, no, they were not the little ones as both Josh and Jess asked me this very same question). It has rained all weekend long. Been raining basically since last Tuesday.

Good points: Josh's birthday dinner...(yum...tortillas and Sangria). Saw the movie Sideways...very, very good. Went shopping with mom on Sunday. The AOC called and left message on my cell phone. My night class was cancelled last night thanks to flooding. Vicodin and...more Vicodin.


Flash said…
I am Sam - That film made me cry like a girl! And none of my friends have seen it, so thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.
Flash - I don't know how anyone could not cry at that movie. I was literally like sobbing so hard I couldn't breathe. That was one movie that was really good, but I don't think I really needed to see it.
Jessiedc28 said…
Lizzy - LOL at the little doughnuts. I'm sorry but that's just too funny...

I AM SAM goes in the same category as A Walk To Remember...we're seeing that this spring.
We'll definitely have to get a cache of really good movies. I'm going to actually see about having that surgery done during Spring Break...then Gabby can be gone for the whole week, and you can be here for a full week, and I can take a week off from work!!!...but I am really ready for these "things" to just be gone!!!

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