Do you wash your candles?
This happened last week, but I forgot to share...
I went to pick Gabby up from my mom's house after school...we were kind of just hanging about in my mom's room...I was putting Gabby's shoes on, my mom was watching CSI...I wasn't really paying attention to anything except getting Gabby's shoes on...I finished that up and was about to walk out the door when my mom makes a comment, "Why in the world would she wash her candles?" I looked over to the television just in time to see the character Grissom (or however you spell it) pulling a blue vibrator out of a dishwasher..."Mom, that's not a candle..."
This happened last week, but I forgot to share...
I went to pick Gabby up from my mom's house after school...we were kind of just hanging about in my mom's room...I was putting Gabby's shoes on, my mom was watching CSI...I wasn't really paying attention to anything except getting Gabby's shoes on...I finished that up and was about to walk out the door when my mom makes a comment, "Why in the world would she wash her candles?" I looked over to the television just in time to see the character Grissom (or however you spell it) pulling a blue vibrator out of a dishwasher..."Mom, that's not a candle..."
Later, my X said, "It was scary that your mom knew how masturbation under a blanket looked."
I just thought to myself, yeah, well, 20 years without a man you figure a couple things out, I would suppose. Hmph.