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Shame, Shame, Shame

(Title should be sung to the tune of "Chain, Chain, Chain" - the song that I suck at the most on Playstation Karaoke.)

Skipping school again today. I can't believe it!!! I am so ashamed of my self, and I feel so guilty. I just can't deal with this parking thing, and I hate that I have to be there for like 3 hours before class starts, unless I want to go mad looking for parking like 10 minutes before class, and then I'll be late. This guy in one of my classes says that he likes being there that early so that he can relax before class. What? I like being there like maybe 30 minutes early. That's enough time to catch up on homework and relax before class for me. But 3 hours before? There are much better things I could do. I could for one go to the gym and get in my cardio and then head off to school. That's what I thought I would be doing, but i guess not.

Today is my last day at work!!!! (at least until October). So, now maybe having to be at school so early won't bother me as much. I can at least fit in the gym between my morning and night class. I feel like crap since I haven't been able to make it to the gym everyday. I'm seeing Aaron tomorrow at 2. I can't wait to show him my bruises that are still there after a WEEK!!!

Week One of Creative Thinking: It didn't really happen. I was supposed to create some kind of sign or button to wear that proclaimed my creativity "to the world". I didn't get it done, but....Josh and I have this T-shirt plan thing going, and I came up with new, I'm making that count as my week one creativity project. What's in store for next week?

One of our hermit crabs died. Gabby keeps asking when the other one and the hamster are finally going to die so she can get a turtle.

Oh...I've resorted back to the bagel and coffee addiction for the last three days...all because I've been too lazy to go to HEB and buy milk for my Cheerios. It's probably some subconcious thing where I don't feel like eating Cheerios anymore. I really feel like I'm just chomping away on twigs and leaves and stuff. You can only eat that stuff everyday for so long. I think I've been pretty much doing it for a year. I need to get Aaron to change my menu.

I haven't bought a new book in a while. I've just been re-reading old favorites. I think that will be a plan for the weekend...bookstore. But then again, my book collection is getting bigger again, and I might need to buy a new bookshelf...again!!! I have my own freakin' library here. I also need to buy some new black flip-flops.


Jessiedc28 said…
GO to class dumb ass! You've been in school forever. Keep in mind your "I'm doing this for my daughter" thinking and get your butt in to class. I'm ashamed of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
going to school will pay off in the long run. you are not doing this for your self but for your daughter. hunger for sucess is not for us but for our future meaning our children are the ones that will benefit out of this. maybe you need a professional chef to help you create menus for you. most chef's now a days know what types of foods you can have or show you different ways of preparing them. just try you'll never know. you are quite a writter...truly enjoy reading about you. bonjourno principessa...
I'm not really all that worried about the whole skipping school thing. I would just deal with all the other crap if I knew I really really needed to be in class, but today was just one of those days where I knew I wouldn't really miss anything, and I didn't want to deal with all the crap, and it was my last day of work, etc...I'm sure you get the picture.

A chef probably isn't a good idea for me. lol. I would want to eat really yummy stuff. My meal plan that I have is fine. I just get bored with it sometimes.

Thanks for all the comments.
Thank you, Josh, for being the one understanding person in my life. Uh-oh...I'm being sappy and nice to...can't let that happen!!! You'll have to wait another year for that to happen again. lol.

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